Online Pix Storage?


PFG, Picture Framing God
In Memorium
Rest In Peace

Gone but not forgotten
Apr 9, 2001
Clayton, NC
I can no longer upload pix to my MSN album. Does anybody know of another free site for storing pix?
Charles, yahoo has free photo storage, but it does not work to post links to this site. I have also heard of something called photobucket but have never tried it.

Sarah uses Photo bucket. It appears to be simple and work well for her.

MSN Communities <strike>are</strike> is free and it works, but is not simple by any stretch of the imagination.

(Though, as I have pointed out numerous times, Emibub figured it out.)
Just for yucks, I registered for Photobucket. It took 2-1/2 minutes.


Then I used it to post this picture of a black squirrel in our crab apple tree.

I used to think there was only one black squirrel in Appleton with a really large home territory and a very busy day. I came to realize that about 10% of the squirrels in Appleton are black.
I was NOT sleeping when I did that, but it was pretty easy.

My big fear is that 2,500 Grumblers will now sign up for Photobuckets accounts, the service will cease to be free and The Grumble will be loaded up with stupid pictures of squirrels.
Originally posted by CharlesL:
I can no longer upload pix to my MSN album. Does anybody know of another free site for storing pix?
I don't understand why you would want online storage? Can you please explain?
I use Photobucket….


I use online storage to up load personal pictures to the likes of the Grumble

Example this is a photo I took of my nearest and dearest in Sligo a year or so ago

I will most likely change to using my server space for my website when I get that hang of how to utilise it for storage… Note I’m still at early stages with my website (I just don’t have the time to work on it a present)……but despite my website’s appearance it’s bring in about 3 good enquiries a week……and at present I’m getting virtually 100% (telephone, website, sales calls, etc.etc.) conversion to orders on all enquiries I get……

It’s a nice business I found for myself in Ireland…….......Oh and despite my saying it myself I’m very good at this business and my previous life in the scientific world is helping a lot……I’m bring quite a bit of credibility to this area of health care in Ireland…….or so the H&S (Health and Safety) people tell me.
Let me clarify a bit...I can still access my 'on-line album' at MSN, but I can't upload pix from my computer (My Pictures) to the on-line album. Nor can I 'Add Pictures' when I access the actual album. The pix I've added are there, but I can't add any MORE.

I used to do it by putting the pix in 'My Pictures', highliting the picture(s) to be uploaded, then clicking on 'Publish this file or folder to the web'.

The 'Web Publishing Wizard' would then take over, giving me a choice of which 'album' I wanted to use. From that point, it was keep clicking NEXT until I was finished.

It no longer gives me the 'albums' to pick. All I get now is the default HP site, which will not accept pix. I, too joined 'Photobucket', but it never loaded it into the Web Publishing Wizard as a choice. I still have the bogus HP site.

I am so sick of MSN making unbidden, unwanted changes in the OS. My friend, the IP troubleshooter/computer genius says it will get worse before it gets better. A distinctly cheerful thought... :mad:

Am thinking of buying XP-Pro, or maybe Win '98 and get him to make the change-over.
Charles, I don't think you're going to be able to buy Windows 98 any more.

It sounds more like something HP is doing if your album defaults to an HP site.

With XP home edition, I can open My Computer, select the thumbnail view, select the photo I want to upload, right click and select "send to Photobucket." Then I can choose the album to publish it to.

Is it possible your MSN host is at capacity?

If your email address has changed since you registered for Photobucket, try registering anew and running the setup utility. If it hasn't changed, try going to the Photobucket site and creating a new album. You can upload from the site, if you know the name and location of the file.

Also, if you haven't already done it, download and install the "New Windows Upload utility" from the home page of the Photobucket site. I think this is the utility that added the capability to upload pictures from My Computer or Windows Explorer.

Here's something to cheer you up.

OIC, you are trying to add to your online album! By "storage", I misunderstood and thought you just wanted somewhere to backup your photos, which had me puzzled when there are things like CD's and DVD's.
Sounds like Ron has given you good advice in getting the utility from "photobucket".
I know a lot of people who use "pbase" and recommend it highly!
I use Lunarpages to host my website and it also includes a couple of different photo albums to select from. It offers 1000 megabytes of storage for $7.95/month and currently offer one year domain registration free. (normally $14.95/year)
Please be aware that these forms of storage are open to being farmed and usable images can end up any old place even a Greating card as many countries do not honour copyright laws. Even your personal web site can and will be farmed too, that is why all my images are watermarked, it would not stop it from happening it just makes it a little harder to reuse them
Davids, I have no doubt that what you say is true. I looked at my MSN Communities photos and tried to guess which one would be most attractive to the image pirates for use in a greeting card.

I decided it would be this one. Everyone loves photos of cheerleaders. These are Texas Aggie cheerleaders.
