One more storage question


WOW Framer
Jul 24, 2001
Buffalo, New York, USA/Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada
Talked to my computer store guy today about adding a new hardrive to my system. He has a "previously owned" 3.4 GB hard drive that he can install for me for about $70 US. Or he has a brand new 20 GB hard drive that may or may not be able to be supported by my system (won't know til he tries it) for about $150 US. And it would only take a day to install, so I can have the work done, pick up the CPU, and be Grumbling again that night!!!

Comments? Suggestions? Since I have less than 300MB of storage space now on my less than 1 GB drive, either approach would be a HUGE help. My guy didn't think my system would support the CD burner, and I don't think the ZIP drive is quite right for me either... Plus, they are both more expensive.

I swear, I won't ask any more stupid questions, honest, fellers....
Operating System?
Age?(the 'puta's not yours)

My thoughts would be that if your PC is of the era before GB HD's were common place then you will have trouble with the 20gb drive, if you are running Win 95 (or earlier) a CD burner is not an option as the software is simply not compatible and a Zip would have problems, though it will work.
Just looked up a 20gb HD from one of our suppliers, equiv to roughly US$100 for a good one.
Mar - please keep asking. Your questions and the answers they generate are a great help to one who is so computer illiterate as not to have realized there even was a question.

Sounds like (1) your system is kinda old and won't like anything except that 3.4 gb, (2) your computer "needs" are limited if you are being served adequately by this machine and just need a bit more storage space. I have an old dell that I use for a few simple tasks. Believe it's a 233 or so pentium, 66kram and 3.4 gb hard drive. it does have a zip that worked fine till the zip went south. The 3.4 gb is okay for some lists, word processing and minor graphics. However, you will fill that space up fast if you start buying new software.
For many years I was a die-hard Gateway user. My home computer, work computers all Gateways. My current employer used strictly Dell, though our corporate office uses Gateway. I used to keep up with the technology to where each year I would totally erase/ reformat my hard drive (after backing up), reload the operating system and all programs and start fresh.

I was in the market for a personal notebook. After a lot of research on the web, I went with a Dell. I'm now looking to replace my PC. I'm going with a local computer tech that builds PCs from scratch. The way technology has changed I haven't kept up with it. Also they way tech support from Dell, Gateway and the rest work it's a real pain when you have even the simplest question. I feel more confident with a local person I can call when I need help. suggestion is check around your area for something like a Cyber Exchange that builds computers to your needs, get references and go local. Even the small one or two person computer business can be good. Be sure to get references and check them out.
Everyone: thanks for the info! I think I'll aim for the 3.4GB. After all, this is a home computer, mostly for entertainment purposes. I just need a little more storage space...

And Artlady, if I had the wherewithall to buy a new computer I wouldn't be asking these stupid questions!!! I hate buying something new just for the sake of having something new, when something old is fixable. That is one of the problems with this world, but I will stop my rant at that.

After all, 3.4GB is a LOT compared to 300MB. Yes?
Dear Framar,

I replaced my computer with a Hewlett Packard from UBID at $309. This is just a few dollars more than a hard drive. I got a faster computer, newer technology, faster modem, a CD-ROM and a larger hard drive. This is a used computer that came in off a lease. This computer is sooooooo much nicer than the one I replaced. The monitor is from the old computer, in this case I did not need one.

There are many more things that can go wrong with a computer as it ages other than the hard drive. In addition the newer technology does not run on some of the older computers so if your printer dies or your monitor or your modem goes you may not be able to find one that will work with your older computer. Sometimes you can not even figure out why the new peripherals will not work until you pay a technician. Technology may outgrow your ability to keep your current system viable. Then the money you spent on the new hard drive was spent for naught.

May I suggest that you check this out.
You do whatever feels right to you. All of us can't afford, nor do we all need a new computer. I have a new, fancy-schmancy Gateway that hasn't worked right since I got it. (ongoing saga) I do, however, have a 12 year old Packard-Bell that works right. EVERY TIME. I added a 3Gig HD, and it works just fine.
If you're happy with what you have, may I suggest you upgrade to the bigger drive and keep on truckin'.