on the up side!


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Sep 22, 2003
I'm so sad to hear of Dan's nasty customer (Was it something we didn't say). It really grieves me. Really mades me mad.

Then there is my 'Doctor Customer,' I call her.

She calls me. I pick up her stuff. Sometimes at her office, sometimes at home. I have her unlisted home number (I feel so special).

Understand I have to frame, mat her stuff without much interaction from her. Kinda makes me nervous.

I called this evening. She wasn't home. I left a message. She returned my call and said, "Come on over." She usually invites me in for supper, tea whatever. She is so nice.

I just delivered a charcoal of her and her husband. She insisted I go in and see where she hung the last pieces I did. I was worried about the charcoal. I thought the frame I chose was a bit much after I got it. She loved it! Her husband liked it. His mother liked it.

She made out her check and said, "I just love your work. Thank you so much."

I left. Later looked at the check. She make it out for more than the ticket.

It really makes me sad when people act like jerks. Really, really sad.

But it restores my faith in the human race when they act like descent folk.

Dan, it's a long drive from Kansas to NH but if you want me to I'll come over there and punch her lights out. ;)
Roz... You go, girl!

PS: Kansas to NH is a pretty drive. Let me know if you need backup. :cool:
I had a customer pick up who had forgotten her wallet. She wanted the picture badly because of some company coming over, so I let her take it anyway. She promised to pay me in the next few days.

A few days later when she stopped by with the money, she dropped off a tin of cookies.

Yeah, some people are nice.
Roz yuo should really consider the PIF software for just this type of client.
You could design it and send off a email to her to approve the design. You haven't been burnt yet but trust me it will with customers that you "frame blindly".
Yes, Roz! Most people really are a delight - even if sometimes you have to look a bit harder to find it!

I think the reason "bad" incidents rattle us so much is that they are "out of the ordinary". It is that sharp, jarring contrast that makes it memorable and upsetting.

If we didn't have the few "baddies", would we be as grateful for the large percentage of "goodies"?

Guess we'll just have to focus more on the "goodies"!