Frequent viewer, first time poster.
CMAC has been writing software for the framing industry for over 20 years at the wholesale distribution level. Just a quick question on how many currently use or would use an electronic on-line order entry program? Do any of the people of this forum use any of the on-line services available in this industry such as LJ Direct or any others? We're always looking into ways to help bring technology to the industry and make it useful for the framer. Do you see advantages to on-line ordering? What are they? If you DONT use those available, why not? What features would cause you to consider using an on-line system for ordering?
Thanks for your responses to this post, hopefully I've put it in the right forum, not technically a software issue, just a general question.
CMAC has been writing software for the framing industry for over 20 years at the wholesale distribution level. Just a quick question on how many currently use or would use an electronic on-line order entry program? Do any of the people of this forum use any of the on-line services available in this industry such as LJ Direct or any others? We're always looking into ways to help bring technology to the industry and make it useful for the framer. Do you see advantages to on-line ordering? What are they? If you DONT use those available, why not? What features would cause you to consider using an on-line system for ordering?
Thanks for your responses to this post, hopefully I've put it in the right forum, not technically a software issue, just a general question.