Old Norman Rockwell print


Dec 30, 2003
Beresford, SD
I have what looks to be a very very old Norman Rockwell print. It appears to be in its original frame. There is a very very faint signature in the lower left corner of the print. The print is "Saying Grace". The customer wants an idea of basic valuation, so he can figure out to what lengths he should go to restore/re-frame it. The frame opening is 21.5 x 27.5 so it is larger. The weird thing to me is on the back of the frame is written " #215, #122 , #101 ". Where do I go from here to figure this thing out?

I suggest you go to the Norman Rockwell Museum site that is listed below and located in Stockbridge, MA. The site lists all the titles of the prints available to purchase from the museum shop. The print in question is available in a couple of sizes and framed as well. Just type in the name of the print and you will see what is available.

Norman Rockwell Museum Shop

I may be wrong, but what your customer has is probably just a print faded over time. A newly purchased and framed print would like be worth more than the faded one. The old print probably has more sentimental value than monetary value.

I think Alan is correct about the sentimental value being greater than re-sale.

I find Ebay to be an invaluable resource for this sort of question. You can look there to see what people are willing to pay for a thing, rather than relying on what a dealer says it's worth.
