Old moulding chopper on Ebay 1858 Pat.

A chopper may be in my future if a good used one can be found but this may not be the one. :D Just in case though, please give us the dimensions and just how hard was it to cut that molding? It's a really cool antique! (as I wipe the drool off my screen)


That is one sweet old tool! I have a fairly large collection of antique planes and hand tools but I have not seen a miter box such as this one.

I will keep my eye on your auction and see how the bidding goes. With my new shop still in diapers, I can't afford to go too high but, if there is one thing that I would spend some bucks on, it would be an antique hand tool. I am constantly impressed with the simplicity of these old tools and how well they get the job done.

You can bet that, if I decide to go for it and get that gem, I WILL have it in good working condition before long and those chopper blades will be sharp enough to shave with.

(Well, I may not stick my chin in there to test it, though.) :eek:


[ 10-14-2003, 11:49 PM: Message edited by: Framerguy ]
Just (what might be) and interesting note.

I noticed that the auction says sales tax to be charged if sold to someone in RI. I'm sure it's different in every state, but in Vermont you are only required to charge sales tax on items that you are in the business of selling. If we sold our chopper, we wouldn't be required to charge tax on it, because we're not in the business of selling equipment.

In RI you pay. Sell your Dog you pay. Sell an old garbage can you pay. Pay & Pay & Pay. It's needed to pay off the state banks failing in the early 90's, so they say. Well now they need to pay for Buddy's new living quarters.

Life in RI... what a country.
Check it out, it sold!!!!

Did a Grumbler win?????

Stay tuned
Same grumbler time...
Same grumbler channel...
Well, "lindas3" on the Grumble is from Ohio and the winner, "lindas3" is from Rhode Island, sooooooo, unless she moved .................

Truthfully, I was hoping to see a Grumbler's name from a little bit further South than Rhode Island! :eek:

Don't pick on my lil state!

Actually her EBAY profile just says "United States", so it's probably the same person.

Framer's location is Rhode Island.


[ 10-22-2003, 11:12 AM: Message edited by: Mike-L@GTP ]
Yep, that chopper now belongs to lil' ole me, and it's coming to Ohio. My profile should say Ohio, not RI, so that'll get checked out soon. You guys can all come visit it here. (after 4:00 Tues.-Sat. would be the most fun as we sometimes have a happy hour where appropriate beverages are served if advance notice is given) :D

Your profile is OK. The problem is what I read on the eBay listing and how my mind interpreted the information.

I have some advanced cataracts and can't read the monitor screen well in certain types of light. This morning the sunlight was strong enough coming in the window behind my computer desk that I simply mis-read the listing.

Sorry for the confusion and congrats. on getting a fine looking old piece of equipment.

(Had I the extra cash lying around, you would not have gotten off THAT easy!! :D )

Thanks, Framerguy. Would have felt I had gotten off easy at the $102.50 it sat at until seconds before the auction ended but I'm still happy. Someone else bid the same as me but since my bid was in first I got it. Were you the guy that ran up the price???? :eek:


Had I been the guy who ran up the price, I would have hit that "enter" button faster than whoever was just slow enough to lose the auction to you!! :D :D

Let us know if you decide to use it in your shop. I am curious as to whether you can get it to operate well enough to actually chop mouldings.

How 'bout I loan it to you for a couple of weeks, Framerguy, then I'll be sure I can use it when it comes back 'cause you said... & I believe you...
I WILL have it in good working condition before long and those chopper blades will be sharp enough to shave with.
Unfortunately, I don't have a clue as to how to get it into working order but would love to be able to actually use it. I'm definitely going to try, but if I can't it'll look good with all my other antiques.


Well, everything has a price. :D

I have been sharpening and restoring old tools for the past 30 years and would be glad to renovate it for you. (In between beach walks and my new interest, kite boarding)

As my old grandma once told me when I aggravated her for "just one more chocolate chip cookie" :confused: , "Young man, I can be had but I'm no pushover!!"

(I never did understand what she meant by that remark.)

Linda it was shipped yesterday. Thanks for the purchase. It works fine. You can cut small mouldings without a problem. If you must, a blade sharping should be all that it needs. I really thing a shelve is the best place for it though.

Framer, thanks for shipping it out so quickly!

Framerguy, after I've had a chance to play with it for awhile I'll let you know if I need an estimate on how many chocolate chip cookies it would take to get it sharpened. :D (and I know where to get the very BEST chocolate chip cookies)
The chopper arrived today and it's a beauty! What a cool tool! It chops the ends off of wide fillet samples really well. :D Had to check it out even though I didn't have time to play. It's going to set in the high opening between the shop and work room when not in use. That way it can be seen but no one will be cutting off their fingers while I'm not watching. Feel free to come visit it at any time.
