old family bible, need advise


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Feb 16, 2006
Central North Carolina
I am looking for suggestions on how to properly protect and display a very old and brittle family bible. It will be a tabletop display.
I am looking for advise on the best way to preserve and protect it.
It can best be preserved in a closed box that will
sheild it from light, pollution, bugs, and bad climate. No valued book should be stored in an
open position, since that that will ruin the spine
and will cause the pages to degrade. The client may not like this advice, but books should be
kept shut and viewed on occasion.

I am currently doing the same thing with 2 family Bibles. I am building a box out of 1" maple with compound 45 degree angles at the corners and channels cut for the glass and a solid wood base. You have to assemble the box with (I am using UV glass captured as you glue up the corners. I am using a piano hinge on one side with strip magnets on the other side as a latch and foam weather stipping to seal the top and bottom. The glass fit will allow just a little breathing room with out allowing dust or moisture in. wish I could send pictures but at this time I am unaable to. I hope this helps.
I suggest having an acrylic box made to about 1" larger height, width, and depth than the book, with the bottom left open. Showcase Acrylics in Chicago can built it out of Museum Optium Acrylic, which is optically coated, anti-reflection, and UV-filtering. All light is damaging, but this acrylic would be the most protective and visually best for the purpose.

Then make a frame-base for the box to rest in. The box's open side should fit neatly in the frame's sight dimension, so it may be lifted off at will; no tools required. When the box is in place, the assembly would be dust tight and protected from mechanical damage.

Put Bump-Ons in all 4 corners to prevent marring the table top, and use an attractive, durable fabric-wrapped board in the frame to support the book.