Old decorative moulding


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Nov 19, 2003
Orange County, CA
A customer has an old mirror of sentimental value. Ornamenting the frame is a small beaded decorative moulding. Unfortunately some of the beading has been lost, and she wants a reasonably close replacement.

The existing beading is made of wood, is about 3/16" wide, and in the past has been attached to the frame by some kind of brad. Here is a photo of a small section that she brought in to show me.

Does anyone have an idea where I might source a replacement?

It seems to me that an alternative might be to use compo ornamentation, but I would be interested to hear any and all suggestions.

Thanks in anticipation.
How about a string of wooden beads? I've used them before in similar situations, if you need them to be wood... The beads could be glued and strung together and then sanded on the bottom to adhere to the surface better.

Otherwise cast them using epoxy putty.

It probably wouldn't pay to buy compo ones - especially if you only need a few...
David, it's #9 bead. [9 beads to the inch.]

check with Bomar for compo.

Also another sorce for you would be Reel Lumber in Santa Ana or Anaheim... can't remember which...

You might check with Rockler woodworks, or Woodcraft, they probably have it in stock and a lot cheaper than Van Dykes, or Chicago Designer Supply.

Hope that helps. :D