Old Christmas Cards


PFG, Picture Framing God
Nov 2, 2001
Centennial, CO, USA
I intended on posting these last week. A couple of people had emailed me and asked to see my old greeting cards. I'm showing these as examples I won't bother going into pricing. To tell you the truth they are all in oops frames I have collected along the way. I am getting these ready because I have an opportunity to sell them at a Holiday craftshow in a week. I've made about 20 different ones. what doesn't sell at the show I'll keep in the store or sell in the antique booth. I am selling them for $49.99 each. I also included a picture of my mantel in the store. I am just coming up with decorating options for it. It was quite a find at an antique store and fits my store perfectly. It has become the focal point of the store. I've had several offers to buy it but no way! Sorry about the glare, so much for shooting without the glass.


Dang, this one isn't sitting in the frame right you can see the mat line on top. they aren't assembled yet because I thought the glass would cause glare.



This one is coming home with me! It is an old family card.

My beautiful beautiful mantel. Some day I will own a beautiful old home that will have a beautiful mantel in it.
Beautiful!! Just beautiful! What a great idea! Makes me want to raid my grandpa's post card album, or maybe just make some nice copies...
Hey, those are really nice, Kathy. Are you going to use Econospace to keep them off the glass and give room for the berries (balls)?

The mantel is a reall gem! I have a fieldstone fireplace in my gallery but it doesn't have the look that your mantel has. How come there is no reflection in the glass on the print? Oh, I see the light and the flowers but no person! You aren't uh .............. no, you couldn't be! Are you? ..............Naaaah! Not Kathy! ;)

Tom, I scored the mat so I could fold up the sides to form it's own spacers, so the twigs and berries have plenty of breathing room. Sorry, said I was off warped but I couldn't resist. What the h@ll is wrong with me.

The mantel is so old and the wood is so brittle that I was suprised I was able to secure it to the wall. It was actually kind of funny. I was out antique shopping with a couple of friends and I spotted this mantel. One of the guys I was with was driving and we were cutting it tight on space. As they were carrying it out the whole thing came apart. Both guys turned around and started carrying it back in the store, they thought I 'd want to return it. But I actually broke the rest of it apart and said it made it easier to carry and pack in the car. They thought I was nuts. But I knew I would be able to reattach it all to the wall again. That is honestly why I wouldn't sell it. It really is just for show, I would never use it for real. The original plan was to paint it because the blue just really doesn't fit in. But when I saw all the peeling blistering paint it was so authentically distressed that I wouldn't consider altering it. The color ended up working out anyway.

Let's see next I'll have to take a picture of the old castiron pedestal sink I have in the store....................I've had several offers to buy that but It is not mine to sell. It is on loan from my brother who has done major house restoration in the past.
Kathy, they're all nice, but my favorite is the third one, the one with the single 'angel' on it. I wouldn't sell it, either! A really neat holiday idea!!