Old art and artist

Greg in Maine

Jan 31, 2001
Winthrop, Maine
Hi everyone! I live in Winthrop Maine and have a frame shop in my home. I have two questions for the group.

Someone brought in an original piece of art this morning to have it reframed. The artist is Loraine Donati, from Nova Scotia (she evidently spent some years in the beaches area of MA) - question one: Does anyone know who she is? She does/did a variety of art: watercolor, oil, wood sculpture that I am aware of. She is still doing art now (back in Nova Scotia) but is evidently very old.

The original I have to redo is a watercolor on a thin paper. It looks as though an impression of a board was done on it and then some fish were painted on it. The art is held onto the cardboard backing with masking tape. The paper has many holes in it from age (done in 1961) and lack of care. The art is dusty as there was no glass on it. Question two is what suggestions do you have for mounting, matting and glazing? My plan is to remove the art from the cardboard, conservation mount it, mat it, UV glaze it and put it into the original frame that the customer brought it to me in.

I look forward to your help and information.

Thanks, Greg
Are you still holding Lorraine Donati's work? Lucy 207-462-5829
Hi, Lucy. Welcome to the Grumble! I looked at Greg's activity, and he last posted on the forum in 2003.
So, wishing you success, but it's likely that he won't see this. It would sure be great, if he did. :)
Hi everyone! I live in Winthrop Maine and have a frame shop in my home. I have two questions for the group.

Someone brought in an original piece of art this morning to have it reframed. The artist is Loraine Donati, from Nova Scotia (she evidently spent some years in the beaches area of MA) - question one: Does anyone know who she is? She does/did a variety of art: watercolor, oil, wood sculpture that I am aware of. She is still doing art now (back in Nova Scotia) but is evidently very old.

The original I have to redo is a watercolor on a thin paper. It looks as though an impression of a board was done on it and then some fish were painted on it. The art is held onto the cardboard backing with masking tape. The paper has many holes in it from age (done in 1961) and lack of care. The art is dusty as there was no glass on it. Question two is what suggestions do you have for mounting, matting and glazing? My plan is to remove the art from the cardboard, conservation mount it, mat it, UV glaze it and put it into the original frame that the customer brought it to me in.

I look forward to your help and information.

Thanks, Greg
Hi Greg. Lorraine is a distant cousin and I have been trying to find out where she is as she is not in her home in NS anymore. My guess is she is in nursing care in New England, possibly Vermont with her daughter Francesca.
Hi everyone! I live in Winthrop Maine and have a frame shop in my home. I have two questions for the group.

Someone brought in an original piece of art this morning to have it reframed. The artist is Loraine Donati, from Nova Scotia (she evidently spent some years in the beaches area of MA) - question one: Does anyone know who she is? She does/did a variety of art: watercolor, oil, wood sculpture that I am aware of. She is still doing art now (back in Nova Scotia) but is evidently very old.

The original I have to redo is a watercolor on a thin paper. It looks as though an impression of a board was done on it and then some fish were painted on it. The art is held onto the cardboard backing with masking tape. The paper has many holes in it from age (done in 1961) and lack of care. The art is dusty as there was no glass on it. Question two is what suggestions do you have for mounting, matting and glazing? My plan is to remove the art from the cardboard, conservation mount it, mat it, UV glaze it and put it into the original frame that the customer brought it to me in.

I look forward to your help and information.

Thanks, Greg
Hi Greg. Lorraine is a distant cousin and I have been trying to find out where she is as she is not in her home in NS anymore. My guess is she is in nursing care in New England, possibly Vermont with her daughter Francesca.
Hi, THEEMrsJacklin. Welcome to the Grumble! :)

Just to let you know, Greg began this thread in 2001. From a quick glance here, it looks like he last posted in 2003.
Thanks, for your kindness in writing, and I hope that you're able to find your cousin. If you need help, feel free to
send me a private note, and will see if I can help locate her.