Prestented by North Texas PPFA Chapter as welcome to it's new Oklahoma members.
Wyman Frame Supply
2517 N. Shields Blvd.
Moore, OK.
Phone #405-7790-1212.
Lunch will be provided, RSVP by March 9:
Jason Ramage at 972-768-0605.
Sunday, March 13, 2005
10:00AM to 4:00PM
Chris Paschke, CPF, GCF presents:
"Photographs Then and Now, Digital Images: 2005"
Wyman Frame Supply
2517 N. Shields Blvd.
Moore, OK.
Phone #405-7790-1212.
Lunch will be provided, RSVP by March 9:
Jason Ramage at 972-768-0605.
Sunday, March 13, 2005
10:00AM to 4:00PM
Chris Paschke, CPF, GCF presents:
"Photographs Then and Now, Digital Images: 2005"