Oil Painting Sources


True Grumbler
Oct 15, 2002
I was wondering if anyone could help me with a good source for quality oil paintings were thinking of ordering more oils for the gallery since we've had interest in ones that we currently have. We've had the ones in our gallery so long we don't even remember where we got them from. Thanks for any help. JayRay
. . . we've had interest in ones that we currently have. We've had the ones in our gallery so long we don't even remember where we got them from.
Jay, I hope you don't think I'm poking fun here, but . . .

It would seem like, if the interest is there, the painting you have in your gallery now would be long gone.

Help me understand this.
actually what I was saying is, the interest in oils is seeming to go up as of late so we were going to start carrying oils in stock again. That is all
Look in Decor magazine, you should be able to find what your looking for.

Another idea would be to contact local artists in your area, take a look at their work and see what kind of deal you can work with them.

I think you will find that your customers will be more interested in artists from their own community.

Just remember to explain to these artists that you are running a business and you will only be interested in artwork that YOU think you can sell.

There is an old story about a record publisher ( music). He would tell the various musicians that he was auditioning to, " leave the 'art' at home." He was only interested in music that had commercial appeal. You have to run your gallery the same way. You don't want to be paying rent on your wall space to display wannabe artists work.


[ 01-15-2004, 10:38 PM: Message edited by: JRB ]