Oil Painting hung above fireplace....

I would be just as worried about the front of the oil as the back. The 'over the fireplace' hanging is the worst spot in the home. Just think about the extremes in temperatures, soot, moisture from the masonry. I understand that it is visually the most prominent place in the room, however, it becomes a perfect spot for cheap poster art with a nice frame.
Polyflute AKA Coroplast panel for the back of the painting.
Jerry's point is valid...hanging above a functional fireplace is making the work somewhat sacraficial. The polyflute will help to protect the work from the masonary and it's inherent problems, but the face is still exposed to the heat from the fire.
I will speak to the customer about the location before I offer any ideas. Instinct tells me this is probably not a solution but what about a lightweight foam!? insulating board you might find at HD. Like the fire retardent ceiling panels you use above your wood stove? Of course you don't want to trap any heat in.
How about a copy being made? Giclee?

Fire retardant isn't what is the problem as much as the extreem heat that flows out and up, washing the FRONT of the oil.

If it is something that they enjoy and it won't be passed down.... I wouldn't worry either.

My aunt bought a Robert Wood in the early 60s, and it has been over the mantle ever since. It's in fine shape as is the frame.... but in Southern California they only light a lite fire about 6 times a year if that. But, also RW is sort of passe these days, and when she goes, it will probably go to her son and over a mantle again.... they bought it to enjoy in their lifetime.

Sometimes in our rush to protect and concerve, we forget that our customers are RARELY museums.
I could care less what happens to my Hiroshigi prints when I croak. And because I framed them about 35 years ago, they probably are backed with cardboard.... but then I'm 52 and as my eyes dim I won't be seeing the Foxing anyway.
Here in the UK, huge paintings have been hung above enormous fireplaces for hundreds of years. Visit any castles or stately home here, and you will still see them in there original surroundings and in perfect condition.