

Founder of the G
Forum Donor
Founding Member
Jul 30, 1997
Ok! We were down for about 30 minutes this morning due to operator (me) error. Sorry!

....... Or out back stomping yellowjackets?

During that down time I panicked. I quickly started digging up my PPFA membership stuff and started the long and never ending procedure to register for HH. Because I'm not even smart enough to register I don't think I'm smart enough to participate. Thanks for getting it up so quickly!
"The Grumble - where we will embrace you (though not literally) and welcome your participation, even if you're not smart-enough to figure out how to register for the PPFA On-Line Exchange."

I think framer should use this for a banner.

I find that doing any task that requires more than one step on a Saturday is very time consuming and mind bending.

I can't afford to have my mind bent any further.

HEY!! ease up on Jay.

I can't even remember if they really sent me a membership card or not.

And WHAT membership number?? I have another number to remember? Isn't the address number tatooed on my inner arm so I can find my way home at night, enough?

You mean there are more questions?? Is this really the CPF Pop-quiz?

Originally posted by Ron Eggers:
Somehow, I missed it.

I must have been walking Dogzilla.
Probably a good thing too! Otherwise, every framer in the country would have called you up to see if you knew what was wrong with the Grumble.

Jay, your not missing much not being on hitchhikers. I like the grumble much better. It's much easier to follow a question on here. I don't even look at most of the emails I get from hitchhikers any more. Just the ones I think i might have something to contribute to.
I'm always shy about joining anything that tells you upfront that you may be getting 1000's of emails and that your inbox my fill up if you go on vacation without canceling email from there. I used a yahoo account that will gladly abandon if I have to.

It's not that many e-mails.
Maybe 15-20 or so a day. I've noticed that a lot of the topics cross over to here lately.

HA! Then you're getting shortchanged on the Viagra e-mails! I've had this email address way too long.
When I first signed on to HH, I was getting several hundred emails a day from them. Ellen Collins had apparently started a new idea to liven things up, called "Question of the week" or something similar.

The current question was, "Do you have a pet in your shop?"

Too many HHers didn't WANT things that lively, and very few of us wanted 200-300 emails each day, so the idea died. Now a dozen-a-day is typical though, like The Grumble, there are busy days and dead days.

I think HH compliments The Grumble very nicely. If I had to chose, I'd be here, but I don't.
HH and TG both have a great deal to offer the professional framer even though they are so different or maybe because they are. I think back to the olden days, (oh goodness here she goes again!!) when we had neither to rely on or learn from. Those were awful dark and dreary days. (Might be a too dramatic statement, but still true!)

Sometimes the volume of mail on HH is hard to take, but when it's not there, I really miss it. Without HH and TG, FACTS would not still be a tool for framers because it was through here and there we were able to spread the word that it needed help. If you want to see what is being talked about on HH but can’t handle the volume of mail, take the digest and you get it in a running format once a day. Makes it easier to go through.

The internet is wonderful for spreading the word about PPFA activities and events. I think every framer can get benefit from belonging to their PPFA, if for nothing but getting to know other framers face to face. Have you ever noticed though that when you meet them people seldom look like what they sound like on here? How many of you have met Ms. Burns, a comely Texan?

How would we get along without the irreverent TG and yet I learn so much here and I’ve been around since the beginning of time. (Slight exaggeration but not by much.). Some of the stuff we discuss here can only effectively be discussed here.

I’m for keeping both and am grateful for both.

Nona Powers, CPF
FACTS Steering Committee Chair