Off the Wall Laminations - GONE?

I have been getting them done through Don Mar. They use a company in Canada called MES. They seem to do a fine job. Plus, Don Mar picks up and delivers when it's done. Pretty easy.
Plak It isn't the same. Off the Wall used a box that was open in the back (think of the top of a gift box). How can I reach Don Mar? Do they use plaques or open backed boxes?
From your description I suspect MES isn't exactly what your looking for either. They have many options, some of which are deep, but I wouldn't describe them as a "box."

Their web site is

One of Don Mar's #s is 800-556-7428

Good Luck
Sounds like you are looking for "Box Framing". Where the print is Laminated on the front surface, and the sides are covered with Formica. I used to have two places in my area that did that work... the problem is that both places damaged work, and then did nothing to replace the art.

Good Luck. Hope you have better luck then I did. (I just tell people that it's not available to me any more.) (They seem happy to get the work framed when they hear how other pieces were demaged.)
Tribe Fan,
LeWinter in Pittsburgh offers this service as well. They deliver in Cleveland 4x a week, as you prolly know.
Also PLAK-IT picks up and delivers locally by their rep Barbara Barlock 216-650-0335. I am 99% certain that they offer they box style you mentioned. They will give you free samples, I believe, as well.
Good luck!
Are you just lovin' this fabulous Cleveland weather? I am.

Edie the needingahookydaysoon goddess
The “plaking” – “plaquing” “laminated mounts” or whatever you want to call it is a huge business in Canada and it originated or seems to have gotten its start in North America in Montreal, Quebec about 15 years ago. Most of the same companies doing this up here also expanded into offering canvas transfers in all shapes and sizes. It seems to be slowly expanding in the US, but it is still in its infancy compared to the amount being done in our market. Virtually every frame shop in Canada in a metro market offers the service through service centres that pick up and delivery to their store once a week.

A fellow from my area opened up in Seattle, Los Angeles and now Denver under the COLOPLAK name. They offer a wide variety of plaking styles. They do the box mount that you mentioned.

You can go to their website to look at what they offer.

Off the Wall moved to:
24748 Aurora Road
Bedford Heights, OH 44146
Att: Greg
They had some phone troubles.