Ocean Waves Matting OR an exercize in Bad Frame Design.

Marc Lizer

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 28, 1999
North Hollywood, CA
turn your head sideways
and again . . .

But it is what the customer wanted.

It is:
A watercolof a seal done by the customer in art class.

Mat ID is roughly 21 x 21

Mat OD or Frame size is about 27 x 29

Black core Biscay Blue single mat.

Tacky wave design on bottom edge.

Studio 26101 for frame.

Let's see this one get ripped apart.

Sorry about the sideways pix. Maybe our computer techie Ron can fix it. I couldn't. But then again, I gave up when the computer yelled at me. Anways it's bad framing, so just turn you head sideways. It may make it look better!
Marc it's not tacky, it's "arty!"

Seriously, I think it looks very good.


Well, it's a temporary fix at best, but I just turned my monitor on it's side for picture 3. Man, that sucker is heavy!

When I said something about posting images as URL links instead of posting the images themselves, that wasn't directed at you specifically (though I think it's a pretty neat trick.) Hope you didn't take it as a personal slam. I like your pics and I like your mat.


Several years ago we did a corporate job for the president of Royal Carribean cruise lines. He watned mats to look just like yours. Only we did only one wave; wish I had seen yours back then, we wouldve done more than a single mat.

Only we did waves all around the pic which was actually his corporate report withone of the ships on the cover.

Hey, as long as the credit card machine says "approved" I don't care what they want.