NYU Diplomas


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jul 1, 1999
Holland, PA, USA
Seems like every few months we get an NYU diploma to frame. In all of my years of framing, this has to be the trickiest diploma to frame. First, no color wants to match the color of the paper. Also none of the lines are centered! And on top of that some of the lines are crooked. They drive me crazy. Has any one else seen this diploma? Luckily the last two were brought in by a calligrapher who was understanding and saw all of the flaws. Any suggestions?

being in FLA I see alot of diplomas from many of the universities from across the USA--it seem to run about 30/70 to those that are produced well and those "others". I even got one that I swear was x-roxed---CHEAP paper & a few errant ink marks(they could have at least cleaned the image drum before the run & checked the print run periodically)!!! To give "them" the benifit of the doubt of not actually being aware of these crummyy graduation goodies why not get a GOOD repro, correct all the flaws in RED(like a good school marm) & send that to the president/board members with a suggestion to get on the stick and stop looking like a 3rd rate money machine....for the amount of $$$ these kids are forced to shell out the diplomas should be space age works of accuracy/art not just 21st century pieces of fluff!!!!! these things stay on the walls for YEARS... the document should be something the institution AND the graduates will be proud of each and every one of those years. making appologies for cheap paper, ink marks, signature blocks out of balance, printed with fonts missing pieces of letters, crooked bourders, logos with the colored ink areas missing/printed over the boundry lines, etc just really does NOT get the job done!
A "BA" paper is now worth $40,000-$95,000.

I like the idea of making a good repro and marking it up to send to the Chancler.... better to send it to the local paper and let them have fun with it.

Susan, this is where a nice linen mat, with a fine cherry frame and matching fillet makes a great impression, and draws attention away from the kindergarten made paper-mill document. :D
Looking thru past orders on NYU diplomas, we have used a black bottom mat and either Artique (Larson) 4801 Parchment or 4916 Magnolia on top, all reverse bevels. Most were graduate degrees with one or two undergrad.
These mats have white cores, so unless the white bevel is appropriate, we will cut the mats with reverse bevels. In the case of these diplomas, there is no brite white in the document and we would find the brite white bevel distracting.

great idea Baer, but what happens to the mat face if a piece of g.l. gets slopped over on the top??? does the leaf get too sticky w/o being pressed into mat or can it be "easily" lifted with a pin or small blade??
The leaf itself isn't sticky, the sizing is, so if you can't paint a bevel neatly use frisket tape to protect the top of the mat when brushing on the size. Don't forget that you should also use a 2-ply (minimum) buffer underneath a leafed mat.
Here in Indiana there is a college that still uses real sheepskin/vellum diplomas..those are such a pain