Now What?????


PFG, Picture Framing God
Nov 2, 2001
Centennial, CO, USA
Okay, I took very good advice and decided to go with the internal CD rewritable drive. I should have known better than to have tried it on my own. My sister has actually had her hands inside a computer before so we really thought with Tom's instructions and the instructions that came with it it would be cinchy. Ha!

We couldn't get the cover off. I unscrewed the back, it wouldn't come out. I then pryed off the face and lo and behold there were wires connected to the on/off button that were connected to the computer. :eek: This took about an hour.

My frustration was obvious, even called Tom, where were you you little #%&*#$&. I decided to just go buy a new computer. The one I have at home is toast(my one bad Ebay experience). The one here in the store is so overloaded with graphics and various things I have downloaded that it just freezes up all the time. That was the point of the CD Rewritable Drive. I was only planning on buying a tower, but when we got there the packages were priced better with rebates etc. They also had a $200 rebate if you signed up with MSN for 2 years. So I got a brand new HP pavilion 513n. 1.8 GHz 256MB(imagine the graphics I can load on this baby)60GB. It also has a DVD/CD-Rw Combo Drive. Which eliminates the need to install the other one.

Here is my problem: We tried to rehook up the old computer and apparently I have damaged the on off switch. I finally figured out how to get the back off, it was hooked on by the feet. The wire dealys are no longer hooked on to anything, so now I get to drive out to a friends house and hope he can reattach whatever I unattached. Did I do a back up of Frameready? No. Do I have any way of taking orders on Monday? No. I don't even have a print out of my sales for the month. Everything I have done for the year is on that hard drive. The way this is going I will probably have to pay a fortune to get it fixed.

So let's see now, I have the following: One external CD drive, one internal CD drive, one extra brand new computer that I laid out $1,000 for although I am getting $400 back in rebates and my sister has given me $300 for Christmas and Birthday so I guess I am out only $300. I also have a non functioning computer that contains my whole life from the past four years. I also have a piece of garbage computer at home plus I now have Compuserve, AOL and MSN accounts. Plus it is windows XP, and contrary to popular belief it is taking some getting used to.

Are you guys absolutely sure the internal drive was the way to go?

I should qualify that question as being tongue in cheek, I know my limitations and I get very frustrated with the basics, so taking the back off a computer was and is way out of my league. I can only imagine what I would have done if I had actually gotten the back off and had proceeded. :eek:
Okay, now my friend got the on/off switch fixed but now when I turn it on it just stays on the screen that says COMPAQ. This is not looking good. I do believe I will be handwriting orders tomorrow. :eek:

On the positive side, man is this new computer cool! I can't completely enjoy it until I resolve the other problem though.
Kathy, I can sympathize totally. I have had my hands "inside" on a few computers and after reading the replys to your original post decided to install a Sony cd-r drive in mine. What a pain!! I have had glitchy performance ever since, even though the CD-R does work at times. I know that it's my lack of computer literacy, I've only been at it since 94' but COME ON, will some genius out there please invent a simple interface so these machines can be used by normal humans! You were brave to make the attempt and it is EASY to go wrong. Mark
I pay to have my car fixed.
I pay to have my furnace fixed.
I pay to have my computer fixed when I get in trouble.

Time is money. Let a local expert repair your computer.

If everyone framed their own work, there would be no framers.

I assume that you are already a member of your local Chamber of Commerce, and/or a business network group. If not, you should be. You should find lots of other business experts that can help you. Who knows, maybe you can also help them! It's the way the world works.

I agree, I love to hack up my computer too. It's a great way to learn, but you will pay the price.

Don't waste much more time with those old machines. Get your old machine running, get the data off your hard drive or have it installed in your new machine to transfer the data by an expert. It will be cheaper to buy a new machine, than trying to repair and upgrade the old ones.
Originally posted by Ron_Eggers:
Maybe you'll need someone to help you install the internal drive, but it will be worth it. Sometimes the worst part is getting the cover off the computer.
Heaven help us, Less is right.
Kathy, Less is right ( I hate when I have to say that). I just read an article about the same problem that you're experiencing now. It said to either have the hard drive from your old machine installed in your new machine so that the transfer of data can be done internally. Or, to hook them together with the appropriate cables. If the hard drive is still good (whoever does the work for you can tell you) you can leave it in the machine for additional storage.
Shop around over the phone and find a local place where 1) they seem friendly, 2) they seem intelligent and 3) they take the time to explain what they're going to do (and for how much). There are ALOT of places that do this work. You might even check out the place that sold you the new 'puter. Good Luck.
Yeah, I know you guys are right. I'm always amused by people whothink they can cut their own mats.............

I am in big big trouble here though. The old computer would only let me open up in "safe mode". It let me into FrameReady and I tried to put it on a zip disc. The computer wouldn't acknowledge the zip drive in safe mode. I shutdown and rebooted and the computer did come back up but now if I click on anything it is like it isn't there. It won't let me get into anything. :eek: What the heck have I done? I have somebody who can look at it, but he can't get out before the weekend.

I was in the middle of printing up all my orders and all my invoices when it went kaflooey. I have 10 orders from Friday and four from Saturday that I wasn't able to print and that I have no record of payment on. D@mn seven of those orders from Friday are from one person and are all shadowboxes with specific instructions for each. there is no way on this earth I can reconstruct those from memory. I've got to get this thing up again.

I was trying to save money because I have no money. I should have waited for the appropriate help.
I've got a geek coming out. $75.00 an hour. He seems to think it will be an easy deal and says there is little chance I've done permanent damage to the hard drive. In fact he agreed with Curly(d@amn I hate to admit that
),he said the best thing would be to transfer the hard drive to the new computer and get what I want off of it and leave it for storage or reinstall it in the old computer. which got me to computer at home has a DVD and more, oh never mind it is an E-Machine..........

I've had a couple of people offer to look at it, but I don't want any more damage, so I will pay for a "professional". What on earth made me think I could even attempt this is beyond me. I hate this stuff.
Pay attention to what the geek does while he's working on your machine. It really is surprisingly easy to work on these things (once you get the **** case open. BTW, I find that a 3lb. sledge does it quickly). :D
I now do all of the computer work on the 6 machine network that I have going here. Including replacing network cards, cd drives, floppy drives, configuring the network, etc. It's really not that difficult, that's why so many 12 year olds can do it. :D

BTW. for future work contact a local High School or College or Computer School to see if they have a computer wiz kid that does work after school for less than the $75. per hour. Contact them next week when you don't need the work done, for the future.
There may be another lesson here besides the obvious one, especially for those of us with children who are making some career choices.

I don't have the statistics to back it up, but I'll bet there are more computer geeks who can afford custom picture framing than there are custom picture framers who can afford to hire a computer geek.

Maybe that's why so many of us have become part-time computer geeks.
And this also brings up another lesson. Always back up your software and keep the backup in a safe place. There is even software out there that will do an automatic backup for you. As what happened here if the hard drive is completely dead, you don't have backups to fall back on.
Good point, Dani, but I thought that was the obvious lesson.

Maybe there are more lessons buried in there somewhere. If so, we owe Emibub a debt of gratitude for all this free education. ;)

I truly feel for you. :( Please let us know what the computer geek is able to do for you and when you are up and running again. I am on pins and needles waiting to hear that all is okay once more.

Smile with Style
Originally posted by Curly Grumble:
Pay attention to what the geek does while he's working on your machine.
I tried really hard to pay attention but I kept dozing off............actually he looked more like a plumber and was dressed like one. Everytime I peered over I was afraid of the possibility of an unsightly butt crack. I was expecting a computer geek with a pocket protector and a bowtie. this guy looked like he had been changing oil on his car.

It's really not that difficult, that's why so many 12 year olds can do it. :D [/QUOTE]

So Curly, you are suggesting that I don't have the intelligence of a twelve year.........oh wait never mind, I don't mind the assumption that I should be up to speed with a twelve year old.
Originally posted by Ron_Eggers:

Maybe there are more lessons buried in there somewhere. If so, we owe Emibub a debt of gratitude for all this free education. ;)
This thread is a plethora of lessons, here are a few......

1. Why on earth did I consult a gaggle of framers for my computer woes?

2.How many people do you know who can't get the cover off their computer just go out and buy a new one?

3.On occasion Less makes sense?

4. Ron has finally admitted that he owes ME a debt of gratitude. :D

There maybe more, but I'm not in a Where's Waldo mood right now.
First off in my defense I'd like to say I was on my way to backing up my FrameReady before the computer froze up. I do have a back-up zip disc, but it was only current through last Saturday. So I wouldn't have lost everything.........I usually do my back ups on Saturday. Now that I have the CD-RW I will be in the habit of doing it nightly.

Okay, the <strike>plumber</strike>geek with the big belly came and fixed my computer. He said it appeared I had an excess of things running in the background. He stressed there were a "mighty amount" of things running in the background. As he explained it to me everytime I download something or install software all this stuff installs to be at the ready and I guess it interferes with the whole shooting match. We are talking four years of things running in the background. He also agreed I had an awful lot of graphics type things that were slowing the computer down. I think the guy was a bit of a shyster. One of my keyboards has a bad plug. without even consulting me he set up a new one. He also tried to sell me some software to transfer my files from one computer to the other. I declined the keyboard and the software. He increased my memory and I asked him if it would help me be less forgetful and honestly I don't remember what his answer was. :D

So the computer is back up and running. Now my quandry is, should I keep the new one? I was honestly planning on upgrading because of the difficulties I have with the home computer. I did make a rash decision though. What to do? What to do?

Sidebar to Carol(Smile With Style) I need to do my Frameready upgrade and I also need to transfer it from the old computer to the new computer. I was under the impression you guys were out of the office this week, so I don't want to interfere with your down time, but HELP!
Now, the big question of the day: How many framers does it take to change out an old computer for a new one? Or install an internal CD-R drive in an old computer? :D

Apparently, we will have to wait for this answer, as it still hasn't been accomplished. :eek:
Still another lesson: Never trust a computer geek who looks like a plumber or a linebacker. They should have pocket protectors, bad skin and black horn-rimmed glass held together with tape. They should exibit no hint of a tan and no interest in custom picture framing (which is why I don't have the statistics to back up my previous assertion.)
Who would think you could learn something from a little Lesson?

How much could Less learn if Less learned to listen a little more? Let Less think a little on this one. If Less thinks Less does Less become Less? What if Less ...

So the computer is back up and running. Now my quandry is, should I keep the new one? I was honestly planning on upgrading because of the difficulties I have with the home computer. I did make a rash decision though. What to do? What to do?
Too much talking and not enough listening!
Keep your new computer!

Where is Mike when we need him. Kathy, donate your old machines too charity. Keep your monitor, and buy a killer new machine for $500 or Less. Stop wasting your time and money on those antiques!
Less, I actually bought a new computer. My old one is only 4 years old, hardly an antique. I love the new one and yes I do want to keep it. I am feeling slightly guilty since I am not the most financially solvent person. But I have decided it is a gift for me, I deserve it.
I read your post about the geek fixing your computer, but from the description you gave, he didn't tell you what he fixed. All the stuff that is loaded in the background and the graphics and such would not keep the hard drive from loading nor would it keep applications from running. More memory helps a multitude of things run faster at the same time but it still doesn't explain the computer not working at all.

You DID get your old machine fixed, eh?

I am going to do something that I rarely do, I am going to take the burden of decision off my good friend's back. Rather than go through the rigors of whether to send that new machine back, I want you to box it up and mail it to the Framerguy!

Upon receiving this machine (that you no longer need), I will plug it in, use it for a "short" period of time to determine if there are any bugs or other problems with the machine that would cause any anxiety on your part by using it, and I will keep you posted on the results.

Good plan, eh??

I will email you my mailing address ASAP.

I am so impressed that you are such a level headed gal and know when someone is trying to look out for your welfare! I'm so glad it could be me this time. :D

Still another lesson: Never trust a computer geek who looks like a plumber or a linebacker. They should have pocket protectors, bad skin and black horn-rimmed glass held together with tape. They should exibit no hint of a tan and no interest in custom picture framing (which is why I don't have the statistics to back up my previous assertion.)


I agree and also suggest keeping the new one, if possible. A four year old computer will crawl by today's standards and is likely to fail again. (hard drives and power supplies like to fail after a few years)

If something like this happens again, don't be shy. I would have loved to help ya and hear your friendly voice. No plumbers crack, I promise!!!

Happy new year
Definitely keep the new machine and the old one both. Use the new one at the shop, if the old one froze up all the time you need a new faster machine to run your programs. That's why we just got a new one to run photoshop. Take the old one home to replace the one that toasted there. Remove all the unneccessary stuff from it that was for your shop (unless you want to play with it at home. :D ) We took our old photoshop computer home so we could work there too instead of having to be at the shop late at night to catch up. We gave the old computer we had at the house to our daughter to take to college. Tried to install a new printer on it, but it won't recognize it (don't you hate that message that says something has performed an illegal action!)

One more thing, BACK UP DAILY! This is one of the thing our Lifesaver program stresses. You can never be too careful with computers. I back up Lifesaver everyday and use a different floppy for each day of the week incase one is bad. Everything else, like Quickbooks, my marketing pieces, etc. is backed up everytime I change anything to a zip disk.

Don't listen to these people!! They know not of what they speak!!

Send that computer to the Framerguy!!

Trust the Framerguy!!

The Framerguy is your friend!

The Framerguy <strike>needs a faster computer</strike> wants to help you!

Jerry, Are you thinking I've been taken advantage of? I'm not quite sure what the guy did. He was a little slick. Don't let those big bellied men with butt cracks fool ya'. They can be mighty slick. All I know is I couldn't get windows to come up and when I did it wouldn't let me bring up any programs. It appears to be okay now. He did say one of my big problems was that I had a bad keyboard, like maybe it was interfering with the operation. I told him I rebooted the computer with my new keyboard in place and it did the same thing. I know my old keyboard has bad prongy things on it but I don't imagine that could bring my whole system to it's knees.

This to me was a little like bringing my car in for repairs. I have to act on faith. I guess as long as the computer works again and it only cost me $125 including the new memory I'll just have to assume he did something? Why are repair people always so tricky?
I consider myself "street smart" and not usually terribly gullible, but if you notice my "friend" Tom above obviously trying to take advantage of me, maybe I am gullible sometimes.............
Tom's not trying to take advantage of you, honest, he's just trying to help you out. Seems to me like a good idea he has.

(Whispered to Tom) Is that what you wanted me to do for 10 bucks, did I get it right.

As far as guys with big bellies and cracks, I sorta resemble that remark, Except for the crack, I keep my shirts tucked in.

$125.00 for memory and service and computer is working again is not bad. although it's close to 1/4 of what a new one costs now a days, when you buy those "Big Box Computers". Since I repair these bad boys all the time, I'm just trying to figure out what was wrong based on the symptoms.
Keyboard bad - normally would get a keyboard error when the system does its POST. I assume he opened the case to put the memory in.

I mean consider for a minute if you will....
computer was working, maybe a bit slowly, but working.

Kathy gets out sledge hammer to open case to put in a CD/RW (that should have been as easy as unhook 2 maybe 3 cables, unscrew 2-4 screws, slide old CD/ROM out, slide new CD/RW in, screw in 2-4 screws, hookup 2 maybe 3 cables, hammer case back on.)

Now after much cursing and carrying on computer sorta works, but not very well if at all.

How does more memory fix that?
I've got a pretty good idea what was wrong, but since I didn't see it I'll never know for sure.

Mike has been doing the puter thing a long time, and so have I, either one of us are only a phone call away, next time, and there will be a next time. don't forget to backup, backup, backup.

And those are famous last words, because it has come back and bit me in the A** several times when I didn't follow my own advice.
Jerry, I have to say the computer was non functioning. I couldn't get it to load up. Before it "siezed" it was very slow. Next time? I'm calling you. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Mike L. @ GTP:
If something like this happens again, don't be shy. I would have loved to help ya and hear your friendly voice. No plumbers crack, I promise!!!
Mike, don't be fooled I have a really high pitched whiny voice and I ain't a bit friendly. I don't mind a plumbers crack, just not a big fat one.

Seriously, though, I don't think you were taken advantage of. You got a new keyboard, memory, and on-site labor for $125. (most consultants, including myself, bill from $95-240/hr; depending on the service) That's a legitimate business expense, and you were treated fairly. IMO

Which POS System do you use? We currently use Lifesaver, and believe me its very important to back up daily. We do a daily "zipdisk" backup and a weekly "internet" backup of LS and Quicken from the office PC to the home PC via pcAnywhere.

We have restored 3 times in the past 9 months to "undo" various learning mistakes and program quirks. We found a bug in the program 4 months ago which will erase the last invoice, upon system restore. (it gets overwritten and the number gets re-used). They sent us a beta fix immediately and hopefully have included it in the most current upgrades. If you run LS, I suggest checking to make sure you are current.

I hope your current stream of success continues into 2003!
