Not refereshing


PFG, Picture Framing God
In Memorium
Rest In Peace

Gone but not forgotten
Apr 9, 2001
Clayton, NC
This has been covered, but I'm seeing something new.
There's one forum that's messed up, and, if you click on it, you get the forum blank, but no post. If you go BACK to the Forum List thingy, and click directly on the topic, on the right side, it takes you there.

OK. The last 2 days, I can go to ANY forum on the G, that I have access to, and everything's up to date. When I read a post, and hit the back button, as I've always done, it takes me back, but not to the newest topic.
I have to hit the refresh tab to get back to the current posts.....
Both computers do it, so I don't think it's a computer problem......

Any ideas???
I have had this same problem off and on but more lately, glad I'm not alone. I've tried to figure out if I started at the top or bottom of the list if it made a difference but as usual I would get side tracked. So I consider it is just one more step to take. I have noticed it will bring up the same subject but not by the lastest date and will have to hit the go to last days button.
Are you using the more recent version of Internet Explorer?
Jerry, this is a brand new, month old Hewlett-Packard computer. It has MSN Explorer on it. I would imagine that it came with the latest version.
It is ver 6.00.2600.0000 I don't know if that's the latest version or not.
Any help will be appreciated. Jeanette says she's having the same problem. I can't believe it's just the two of us.

And, while on the BBS subject, nobody ever answered about why we don't have spell-check on our posts anymore.

This is actually a known issue and appears to be a problem with the latest Internet Explorer. I looked it up for ya on InfoPop's support forum (the people that wrote this chat system).

Here is what the developer had to say:

Charles Capps

posted August 21, 2002 09:50 AM
Do you have the Accelerator on?

If so, this is an IE bug with compressed content. There is little that can be done other than wait for Microsoft to fix the problem, or stop using the back button on the board.

Charles Capps
UBB.classic™ Developer
Mike already answered the question, and that was where I was going. I use IE 5.5 here at the shop and don't have the problem, when I sometimes get the chance to use the system at home which has 6.0 it does the same thing. It is a Microsoft Issue and is being addressed. There is infact a new Service Pack available that may help.
Techno-ninny here... I have always had problems with Grumble Forums. (Forae?) Sometimes when I close a thread, the screen which has all threads listed on it only shows those that have no new posts. When I post something, I get the 'stand by' screen, of course. Then I click the Back Arrow, I get the post screen again. Another click takes me to the Stand By screen again, ad infinitum. SO I close the Grumble and start it up again. Been this way for so long that it is now routine for me to do it this way... no wonder I have hardly any posts... sob.
I have difficulty believing it is a software problem with BOTH of my computers.
It has only begun within the last month or so. I have a brand new, full-race Hewlett-Packard computer, and the problemm exists there, also.

Besides, once again, no one has addressed the disappearance of spell-check. It gets mentioned, but nothing is said about it. Reminds me of the Beatles song, "No Reply"

[ 03-26-2003, 07:23 AM: Message edited by: CharlesLowry. ]
When I post something, I get the 'stand by' screen, of course. Then I click the Back Arrow, I get the post screen again. Another click takes me to the Stand By screen again, ad infinitum.
Ellen, do you mean to say that, if you did nothing, the "stand by" page would just stay there FOREVER?

Around here, "stand by" means "take a step back from that mouse and be patient." Using the back-arrow button at this point is, I suspect, a frequent cause of the dreaded double-, triple- or quadruple-post that causes so much embarassment (though it's a quick way to bump those numbers up.)

Sometimes I've gotten bumped off-line while waiting for the "stand-by" screen to move on to the next step. After I do the secret incantations to get back on-line, I discover, more often than not, that my post got posted anyway. :confused:

Edit: I think I see the problem. My screen says, "Sit tight," which means, "Have another Manhattan while you wait." If yours says "stand by," you are expected to get out of the chair and wait patiently while your post posts.

Sometimes it helps to turn your back on the computer while you do this. I don't know why.

[ 03-26-2003, 07:45 AM: Message edited by: Ron_Eggers ]
It did it again today. I click on say the 3rd post down of those I have not read and when I hit the back button only those post show up from previous days, not the ones for today until I go the arrow which says show posts for last XX days and refresh it there, I'v not tried the regular refresh button.

? could this be something to do with the person who posts last on that particular thread, a quirk in the BB or our computers temp files getting full.

Ron, not sure you understand our problem, Charles is this the same thing you are experiencing?
The "refresh" rate of a page depends on the JavaScript code embedded in the HTML.

Some programmers don't include it in their pages; others do. JavaScript allows the programmer to set the time - many use 10 minutes for no particular reason. Some have a refresh rate every time you access the page. Netscape refreshes my home page every time I hit the back key and I find it very annoying.
Are you using Internet Explorer?

If so, what Version are you using on your computers?

Are you Win 98, 95, ME or XP on these systems?

If you are using IE, the next time it happens click on the "Refresh" button on the tool bar and see what happens.

Let me know.
JPete, I'm experiencing the same thing I believe you are. I can read a post, hit back, and it WON'T take me back to the latest posts, I.E. That days. I'm talking about the ones that were there just before I read the post I was reading. I then have to hit refresh to get the darn thing to bring up the latest posts.

Jerry, I am using MSN Explorer. Ver. 6.000. Internet Explorer is so much more limited, for my use, and in my experience, than MSN Explorer, that I never use it, although it IS on both computers.

Again, this is happening on a 2 yr old Gateway and a brand new, full-race Hewlett-Packard. The give-away is that it only started on BOTH computers about 2 weeks +/- ago. It never did it on EITHER computer before then.

Where in the h@ll is spell-check, while I'm on a rant??? Nobody will answer. We used to have it, and could run our posts through it every time. But it has ceased to exist.
Hi Charles,

It isn't your computer, it's the web browser.

Please see my post above. The reason the BACK button is showing the wrong info is due to a bug in the newest version of Internet Explorer (6.x). Microsoft is aware of it, but it doesn't seem like a priority item because they haven't fixed it in the past 9 months.

As far as a spell checker, I don't recall ever seeing that feature here. Then again, I've only been here for a year. You could always open a session of WORD on your computer, cut and paste your message to it (or type it there and cut and paste the result to the Grumble message when done). That will give ya a spell check, grammar check, and thesaurus.

Thanks. Did you catch the fact that I am NOT using Internet Explorer, but MSN Explorer? As I recall, the icon for IE is a blue 'E', and the icon for MSN explorer is the 'butterfly'. The two browsers look completely different, while one is actually using them..
You've probably noticed that I'm beyond computer-illiterate, and on into computer stupid. Could it be that IE and MSN Explorer work in concert with each other, somehow?

Yes, we did, in fact, have a spell-check feature a coupla years ago. It was an option for us to use after we'd composed our post. It seems to have been replaced, perhaps, with 'Preview Post'. But, if one doesn't know how to spell, say, elephant, previewing one's post won't help, if you don't know how to spell the word(s) in question.
Mentioning the missing spell-check is sorta like using some Voodoo invocation. Seems everybody either runs away, or ignores it completely. I expect, anyday now, to find a dead chicken in my bed!
Mentioning the missing spell-check is sorta like using some Voodoo invocation. Seems everybody either runs away, or ignores it completely.
"Yes, it is too bad we don't have spell-check."

Feel better, Charles?

We talk about it all the time around here. When someone asks me, "How are you?" I almost always say, "Pretty good, but I sure wish The Grumble had spell check. Oh, and my right knee has been troublesome."

Unless you want to circulate a petition demanding a spell-check, there isn't really much that can be done. It may be a function of the current Inpop software that this board uses. Or it may be a case where it would involve an inordinate amount of work for our administrator. Another possibility is that we HAVE a spell-check, but Buddy wore it out.

No offense, Buddy. ;)

Edit: See?? A spell check would probably have prevented me from saying, "Inpop" when I meant. "Infopop."

[ 03-27-2003, 07:47 AM: Message edited by: Ron_Eggers ]
I understand, Ron. It's all Buddy's fault. (my knee hurts today, too! D@mn damp weather!!)

Were you able to do anything with the email picture I sent you?
I noticed a strange thing about the suffix on that attachment. It's .email. MM couldn't open it either, and she's running 98SE. My XP opened it right up.

Below is the actual link to AND the picture...



[ 03-27-2003, 07:57 AM: Message edited by: CharlesLowry. ]
Hi Charles,

Good question!

MicroSoft Network (MSN) took their existing product (Microsoft Internet Explorer) and dressed it up a bit with the butterly logo and a custom set of controls. (a "skin", if you will) While they look different (blue E vs butterly icon, different colors, etc), I suspect they share the same IE 6 engine and bug.

I took another look at the web page that wrote the software for the grumble, and can't find any mention of a spell check option. It must have been a feature in one of the older versions before the company was re-sold, or perhaps Bill was using a different program two years ago than he is now?

OK, so I waited patiently and ended up in the Never Ending Song of "Sit tight..." followed by the thread with my addition to it. So I followed my gut instinct and closed the Grumble and then reopened it. It is My Way of Life Now...
I use ie 6 and checked on the options and it is set to automatically reset web I would guess that is where the glitch is. So I'll accept the browser answer and live with it.

Spell check was nice but slow. Guess we should write in word and paste. It's the price we pay for all of these :eek: