Not just POS software


Grumbler in Training
Jul 16, 2003
South Africa, JHB
I notice that framing software makes up a big part of this forum. But I haven’t noticed much if any discussions on actual ‘framing’ software – were the software show you the finished product. I purchased Custom Framer recently, and am very pleased to date with their service.
What I would like to hear from people out in the forum is whether they have used the software, and whether the concept of showing customers the finished product is successful.
Welcome to the forum, I think you are the first member from any African country.

As for a POS system showing a finished job on the screen, there have seen several over the years starting about 1990. To my knowledge none of these systems have survived. Other than database maintenance, the biggest problem was color rendition.

Welcome to the Grumble. I have not heard of this program. Is it authored in Europe or S. Africa?

Jerry was correct about most POS programs that show the "finished" product on the screen. It requires an extensive database just to illustrate the frames from one of our larger moulding manufacturers. And, once you have the inventory and illustrations of matboards and moulding loaded, you are not guaranteed that the colors shown on the monitor will be true to the actual colors. And the constant updating of deleted items would be tiresome for many busy framers.

Thank you for the big welcome! The company is in the States as far as I am aware. The company is called See-It Corporation. The technology seems to work for us, but it is very early days. You are correct in saying that keeping the DB's up to date is a major time waster. We are really looking to take a bigger market share here in South Africa. Currently we still rely on local distributors for our moulds, mats and prints but will want to order directly from the States and Europe.
So for now we are experimenting with the framing software to help increase our sales. The downside is that where a magazine subscription in the states cost $110 here in SA in sets me back in rands or R1000. Rather costly.
Perhaps look at their website and let me know what you think.
I took a look at their web site. They are from Canada. A listing of their vendors loks as if they are still in the startup stages. The price seems almost too good to be true. I really question how they can survive at this price.