Norton Anti-Virus Purchase


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Founding Member
Jul 30, 1997
Leawood, Kansas USA
My secret pal on this board has said he'd help if I have trouble with installing and stuff, but how about buying this product? I found it on Amazon's secondary site from an entity called nisoft. It's supposedly the gen-u-ine article NAV 2003 but it's only $8.89. Can this be real? It says it's able to be registered with Symantec, it's a CD with e-manual, but seems too cheap. Haven't checked shipping yet, but anyone have experience with this type of thing?
MM, I downloaded NAV 2003 PRO a while back, and it was either $29.95, or $49.95. I honestly don't remember. It was DEFINITELY more than $8.89.
I also got a CD, finally.
As far as it working, it's pretty much self-explanatory. Just be sure you schedule it for when you're about to tee off on the 6th.
2004 is out, I'd check and see if the local BB's have 2003 on sale. On the other hand, try it and let us know if it was for real.
I believe 2004 PRO also blocks spyware/adware and cuts down on popups.

A search on pricegrabber shows:

Best prices:

2004 Pro: $49.94 - $30 rebate ($19.94)
2004: $42.00 - $5 rebate ($37.00)
2003 OEM: $3.55 - $20 rebate (-$16.45)

The thing to keep an eye on with some of the cheaper (OEM) versions is to make sure they come with a full year of updates and not 30 or 90 days only. If so, it'll cost about $20 when it expires to extend another 12 months.

You can also purchase it online from Symantec, without a cd, but I prefer having a CD in case the computer crashes in the future. It's a nightmare getting them to re-send it electronically (from personal experience).


[ 10-13-2003, 08:25 AM: Message edited by: Mike-L@GTP ]
When you install Norton Anti-Virus, one of the first things you do is download software updates that were released since the CD was manufactured. This is over-and-above the updated virus definitions which are downloaded at regular intervals. Norton handles this with their "Live Updates."

I'm guessing the difference between NAV 2003 and NAV 2004 is that the latter will require shorter downloads initially to get it up to date. Once that's done, they may be functionally equivalent.

OEM versions of NAV come with abbreviated periods of free virus definitions. They are like the starter toner cartridges that come with some printers and copiers. As Mike said, that may be what you're looking at with some of the bargain prices.
For anyone interested, I shopped around and found NAV 2004 Pro at OfficeMax for $69.95. It will give you licenses for two computers, which is what I needed. The rebate is $30.00 but the catch is that it's an upgrade so you need to have at one time in your life used Norton, Symantec, OR McAfee, this latter a big surprise.

I couldn't resurrect any evidence of my disastrous episode with McAfee but called Symantec direct to ask why I wouldn't be granted the rebate just because I'm a nice person. He took my word for my previous ownership of McAfee and shipped the 2004 Pro for $39.95 plus $7.00 freight. I didn't think that was bad for two computers, and OMG, they actually answered a phonecall.