Northern vs. Southern Hemisphere Monitors

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Northern vs. Southern Hemisphere Monitors

The monitor you are using with your computer may be affected by which hemisphere of the earth you are in. The Northern and Southern hemispheres of the earth have different magnetic fields, each pulling toward its respective pole. Monitors with cathode ray tubes, which are the majority of desktop monitors in use today, are manufactured specifically for which hemisphere they are going to be used in. CRT monitors work by moving electron beams back and forth behind the screen, and the earth's magnetic fields act on the electron beams, pulling them toward the field. A monitor calibrated for the Northern hemisphere can still be used in the Southern hemisphere, but the colors and the image would be slightly skewed. Most major monitor manufacturers give users the controls to manually adjust the image.

LCD monitors are not affected by this phenomenon.

Dermot, You are sharing different information with us the past couple of days. Does this have anything to do with your new career? If so spill the beans, I am dying to know.

Yes you are right all to do with my new career, I was offered and accepted a position with a small new team (new start up within a major computer business “you know who”) to develop their Software and Peripherals lines as a full blown BU (business unit) my market area will be the UK, up to now they have sold the products as a requirement to satisfy there existing main line products, big challenge, lots of opportunities, great earning potential, great training and a business model to die for.
Framer Dave: my older son who works on the bridge of a tanker often visits south of the equator. He laughs at the toilet thing. By the bye: he swears he was taught at the Maine Maritime Academy in Castine ME that the reson the Northern hemisphere was explored long before the Southern was because of the constant pole star in the north. The Southern Cross, which is what you navigate by in the southern hemisphere, wanders allover the sky and is not fixed. Hence the early explorers could travel from the Old to New World and back again using a constant star long before they could navigate back and forth to and from the same place in the Southern.

Your planetary geography lesson for the day.

Wll have to ask him if the toilet thingy is true. I thopught it was.

O by the bye again: sailors wore earrings in their left ear only if they had sailed around the southern cape and the African cape. It was a badge of honor, not jewelry :eek: :eek:
Hopefully nobody will get their knickers in a twist over a topic that is rpaidly progressing toward Warpedville, but...

I've you've ever taken a close enough look at your toilet, perhaps while hugging it, you'll notice the that flow of water is controlled by the little holes around the rim that shoot the water into a spiral to make flushing more efficient. So the water will flow in whatever direction those little jets are pointed in.

As far as water draining in one direction or another, here is a good site explaining that whole load of rubbish: HERE

In short, the influence of turbulence and swirling water in a sink is far far greater than the Coriolis effect from the earth's rotation.

As far as the Southern Cross thing, that makes sense I suppose. I'm not terribly familiar with it, so maybe one of our Kiwi friends or someone in OZ can answer that. Or maybe it's just that there's not nearly as much land down there or population to explore.

I read somewhere that there is an acupuncture point in the earlobe related to eyesight, and that sailors pierced their ears to improve their night vision. Or it could be to indicate their prefernce for top bunk or bottom.
But Dave, he was TAUGHT that stuff in college. I like the tradition of goin around both horns better. What did ignorant sailors know about accupuncture anyway.

And I never hug porcelain. I can hold my bourbon, thank you very much. Especially when I'm drinking that $40 per bottle stuff.
Not to get back to the subject at hand or anything..........Dermot "good on you".(Genuine Irish expression) If you have the same thirst for information as you do or did with framing you are going to be a huge success! I've always been struck by your knowledge and willingness to share! Good luck!
Dermot ol' man, I think someone is pulling your leg on this one (if you're not pulling ours)! If the Earth's magnetic field affected our monitors we would have to readjust them every time we turned them a different direction. Nice try though....

If there is a difference in the monitors it would have more to do with the different voltages and frequencies of the electrical supply line. Plugging a 120 volt 60 hertz monitor into a 220volt 50 hertz line would make for some spetacular special effects I'm sure.
Frank and others

No kidding, I avoid posting unfounded facts on the Grumble, everything I post of a business or technical nature on the Grumble is based on researched fact’s, and not a wild card guess.

If you rotate a monitor on your desk anywhere in the world the magnetic field will change and this is what the degauss button is for. But apparently there is an "axial component of the magnetic field that is harder to compensate for by degaussing"!

Currently I have my monitor (CRT) at work set to regenerate 85 times per second, ie less flickering and easier on the eyes, I have a top of the range LCD monitor at home which is not effected by polar conditions.


To remove magnetism from a device. The term is usually used in reference to color monitors and other display devices that use a Cathode Ray Tube (CRT). These devices aim electrons onto the display screen by creating magnetic fields inside the CRT. External magnetic forces -- such as the earth's natural magnetism or a magnet placed close to the monitor -- can magnetize the shadow mask, causing distorted images and colors.
To remove this external magnetic forces, most monitors automatically degauss the CRT whenever you turn on the monitor. In addition, many monitors have a manual degauss button that performs a more thorough degaussing of the CRT. You can also use an external degausser that degausses the monitor from the outside. Since it may be impossible to remove the external magnetic force, degaussing works by re-aligning the magnetic fields inside the CRT to compensate for the external magnetism.

You can also degauss magnetic media, such as disks, which removes all data from the media.


This article is written by Sam Goldwasser and
an engineer at Phillips NV in the Netherlands

Color CRTs, Shadowmasks, Magnetic Fields, and Degauss.

All color CRTs utilize a shadowmask or aperture grill a fraction of an inch(1/2" typical) behind the phosphor screen to direct the electron beamsfor the red, green, and blue video signals to the proper phosphor dots. Since the electron beams for the R, G, and B phosphors originate from slightly different positions (individual electron guns for each) and thus arrive at slightly different angles, only the proper phosphors are excited when the purity is properly adjusted and the necessary magnetic field free region is maintained inside the CRT.

Note that purity determines that the correct video signal excites theproper color while convergence determines the geometric alignment of the 3 colors. Both are affected by magnetic fields. Bad purity results in mottled or incorrect colors. Bad convergence results in color fringing at edges of characters or graphics.

The shadowmask consists of a thin steel or InVar (a ferrous alloy)with a fine array of holes - one for each trio of phosphor dots - positioned about 1/2 inch behind the surface of the phosphor screen.

With most CRTs, the phosphors are arranged in triangular formations called triads with each of the color dots at the apexof the triangle. With many TVs and some monitors, they are arranged as vertical slots with the phosphors for the 3 colors next to one another.

An aperture grille, used exclusively in Sony Trinitrons (and now their clones as well), replaces the shadowmask with an array of finely tensioned vertical wires. Along with other characteristics of the aperture grille approach, this permits a somewhat higher possible brightness to be achieved and is more immune to other problems like line induced moire and
purity changes due to local heating causing distortion of the shadowmask. However, there are some disadvantages of the aperture grille design:
· weight - a heavy support structure must be provided for the tensioned wires (like a piano frame).
· price (proportional to weight).
· always a cylindrical screen (this may be considered an advantage depending on your preference.
· visible stabilizing wires which may be objectionable or unacceptable for certain applications.
Apparently, there is no known way around the need to keep the fine wires from vibrating or changing position due to mechanical shock in high resolution tubes and thus all Trinitron monitors require1, 2, or 3 stabilizing wires (depending on tube size) across thescreen which can be see as very fine lines on bright images. Somepeople find these wires to be objectionable and for some critical applications, they may be unacceptable (e.g., medical diagnosis). Why is the Shadowmask or Aperture Grille made of a magnetic material?--The question often arises: Well, if magnetization and the need for degauss is a problem, why not make the shadowmask or aperture grille from something that is non-magnetic? The shadowmask *must* be made of magnetic material! This may seem to be undesirable or counter intuitive but read on: Together with the internal shielding hood it forms sort of a closed space in which it is attempted to achieve a field-free space. The purpose of degaussing is *not* to demagnetize the metal, but to create a magnetization that compensates for the earth's magnetic field. The *sum* of the two fields must be near zero! Degaussing coils create a strong alternating magnetic field that gradually decays to zero. The effect is that the present earth magnetic field is "frozen" into the magnetic shielding and the field inside the shielding will be (almost) zero. Non-zero field will cause colour purity errors. Now you will understand why a CRT must be degaussed again after it has been moved relative to the earth's magnetic field. This will also explain why expensive computer monitors on a swivel pedestal have a manual degaussing button, you must press it every time after you have rotated the monitor. The axial component of the magnetic field is harder to compensateby means of degaussing. Better compensation may be achieved bymeans of a "rotation coil" (around the neck or around the screen), this requires an adjustment that depends on local magnetic field. CRT's for moving vehicles (like military airplanes) may be equipped with 6 coils to achieve zero magnetic field in all directions. They use magnetic field sensors and active compensation, thus they don't need any degaussing function. This is too expensive for consumer equipment. Tubes for all Nations: CRT Manufacturers actually make different versions of their tubes forTV's for the northern and southern hemisphere, and sometimes a 3rd neutral type. These are so-to-say precorrected for the uncompensated field. (Note that the term 'tube' here includes much of the convergence hardware as well - not just what is inside the glass.) I remember when we exported projection televisions from Belgium to Australia, a couple of years ago. They all had to be opened on arrival to re-adjust the rotation settings on the convergence panel, due to the different magnetic field in Australia. Projection TV's don't have degaussing (there is nothing to degauss), and the customer can only adjust red and blue shift, not rotation. Our CRT application group has a "magnetic cage". This is a wooden cube (approx. 2 meter long sides) with copper coils around each of the 6 surfaces. With this they can simulate the earth magnetic field forevery place on earth (as indicated on a map on the wall). Degaussing (demagnetizing) a CRT: Degaussing may be required if there are color purity problems with thedisplay. On rare occasions, there may be geometric distortion caused by magnetic fields as well without color problems. The CRT can get magnetized:* if the TV or monitor is moved or even just rotated.* if there has been a lightening strike nearby. A friend of mine had a lightening strike near his house which produced all of the effects of the EMP from a nuclear bomb.* If a permanent magnet was brought near the screen (e.g., kid's magnet or megawatt stereo speakers).* If some piece of electrical or electronic equipment with unshielded magnetic fields is in the vicinity of the monitor. Degaussing should be the first thing attempted whenever color purity problems are detected. As noted below, first try the internal degauss circuits of the monitor by power cycling a few times (on for a minute, off for 30 minutes, on for a minute, etc.) If this does not help or does not completely cure the problem, then you can try manually degaussing. Commercial CRT Degaussers are available from parts distributorslike MCM Electronics and consist of a hundred or so turns of magnet wire in a 6-12 inch coil. They include a line cord and momentary switch. You flip on the switch, and bring the coil to within several inches of the screen face. Then you slowly draw the center of the coil toward one edgeof the screen and trace the perimeter of the screen face. Then return to the original position of the coil being flat against the center of thescreen. Next, slowly decrease the field to zero by backing straight up across the room as you hold the coil. When you are farther than 5 feet away you can release the line switch.The key word here is ** slow **. Go too fast and you will freeze the instantaneous intensity of the 50/60 Hz AC magnetic field variation into the ferrous components of the CRT and may make the problem worse. It looks really cool to do this while the CRT is powered. The kids will love the color effects. Bulk tape erasers, tape head degaussers, open frame transformers, and the"ass-end" of a weller soldering gun can be used as CRT demagnetizers but it just takes a little longer. (Be careful not to scratch the screenface with anything sharp.) It is imperative to have the CRT running when using these wimpier approaches, so that you can see where there are still impurities. Never release the power switch until you're 4 or 5 feet away from the screen or you'll have to start over. I've never known of anything being damaged by excess manual degaussing though I would recommend keeping really powerful bulk tape erasers turned degaussers a couple of inches from the CRT. If an AC degaussing coil or substitute is unavailable, I have even degaussed with a permanent magnet but this is not recommended since it is more likely to make the problem worse than better. However, if the display is unusable as is, then using a small magnet can do no harm. (Don't usea 20 pound speaker or magnetron magnet as you may rip the shadowmask right out of the CRT - well at least distort it beyond repair. What I have in mind is something about as powerful as a refrigerator magnet.) Keep degaussing fields away from magnetic media. It is a good idea to avoid degaussing in a room with floppies or back-up tapes. When removing media from a room remember to check desk drawers and manuals for stray floppies, too. It is unlikely that you could actually affect magnetic media but better safe than sorry. Of the devices mentioned above, only a bulk eraser or strong permanent magnet are likely to have any effect - and then only when at extremely close range (direct contact with media container). All color CRTs include a built-in degaussing coil wrapped around the perimeter of the CRT face. These are activated each time the CRT is powered up cold by a 3 terminal thermister device or other control circuitry. This is why it is often suggested that color purity problems may go away "in a few days". It isn't a matter of time; it's the number of cold power ups that causes it. It takes about 15 minutes of the power being off for each cool down cycle. These built-in coils with thermal control are never as effective as external coils. An exception is the type in the better workstation CRTs that include a manual degauss button. Note that some manufacturers warn of excess use of these buttons due to their designs (read: inferior) where certain components like the coil or control circuits may overheat. It has nothing to do with excess degaussing - just excess use of their degauss circuitry.
Why Toilet Bowl Water Twirls Clockwise

You know the legend: In the northern hemisphere, water goes down the toilet clockwise. And it twirls counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere. It's a cool factoid, in itself. And it has a cool name -- the Coriolis Force.

There's no painless way to explain how Coriolis works, though, so gird your intellectual loins for a small war.

The first battle will be to visualize the spinning planet to which the toilet is fastened:
Slice the Earth at the equator like a grapefruit, and flatten the northern hemisphere into a plate. Now spin it counterclockwise. The North Pole, you'll notice, turns quite slowly. Move out to 45 degrees latitude (Minneapolis) on the plate and here the ground is buzzing along at about 730 miles per hour. Move way out to the edge of the plate and the equator is turning at 1,040 miles per hour.

Visual aid:
Picture a line of people walking arm-in-arm, with one end of the line always at the North Pole. To hold their formation, the people on the outside have to run and the people near the Pole have to creep.)

Got it? At the equator the ground moves fastest; at the poles, it moves slowest.

The second battle involves visualizing a sloshy substance hovering over the spinning Earth. Round out the Earth again, and picture a stationary air mass hovering over the equator at, say, the Amazon basin. This air is stationary only in relation to the Earth. Viewed from space, that air is actually moving at about 1,040 miles per hour, keeping pace with the ground beneath it.
Now excise a neat cube of that air, and shove it north to the 45th parallel. The ground here is moving under the cube of air at 740 miles per hour, but the cube of air continues tooling along at 1,040 miles per hour. Whereas it was stationary relative to the Amazon, now it's moving east at 290 miles per hour, relative to its new home on the 45th parallel.

(This is Newton's First Law: Objects in motion, including cubes of air, are obligated to stay in motion until they get permission from a brick wall, or a more subtle force, to slow down.)

To recap: Push a floating object north, and it will appear, relative to the earth, to pick up speed and move east.

The third battle is a cakewalk. When you pushed air north from the equator, it appeared to gain speed and move east. Now take a cube of air from over the slow-spinning North Pole, and nudge it south toward the 45th, where the earth sweeps beneath it faster: As a cube of air that was stationary near the pole moves south, it appears to slow down, and veer westward.
(Visual aid: Betty, at the center of a merry-go-round, throws a ball to Billy at the merry-go-round's edge. By the time the ball reaches the edge, however, the merry-go-round has moved out from under it. Billy sees the ball fall "west" of him.)

OK, hold those thoughts: Either way you shove a block of air, from north to south, or south to north, it appears to be deflected to its right -- or clockwise. Now consider a toilet in Minneapolis. The toilet is connected to the earth, but the water is merely sloshing around over it, like a mass of air. The whole contraption, however, is whipping around the earth's axis at 730 miles per hour.

The catch is that water floating at the north end of the bowl has a scidge less ground to cover per second; and the water hovering over the south end has a skidge more ground to cover. So the water at the north gets a little bit ahead, the water at the south gets a little bit behind, and when you flush, the clockwise twirl comes to fruition.

(To get the southern-hemisphere view, revisit your spinning plate, walk to its underside, and you'll note that instead of turning from your right to your left, the planet is now turning from your left to your right. Take my word for it: Everything else is reversed, too.)

Ah, but this has all been a cruel and painful joke.

It turns out that even a toilet a mile wide might still be too tiny to exhibit Coriolan tendencies -- the water simply isn't hovering over enough latitudes to feel The Force. It takes a mass of air many miles in diameter to demonstrate the infamous toilet twirl, and even then, Coriolis is often foiled by friction with the ground and barometric high jinks.
So while all of this spinning and shoving can help explain prevailing winds and other large-scale phenomena, the twirl in your toilet is determined by jets of water filling the bowl, the shape of the drain, or, for those who cannot let this myth go -- and I've encountered many of them -- the Coriolis Fairy.

fictitious force, n. Coriolis isn't even a real force, since it doesn't make anything speed up or slow down -- it only explains why things appear to speed or slow as the world spins out from under them. This sort of impostor is known as a fictitious force.
How about the water in a sink drain, Dave? It HAS no little directional holes, and it still goes clockwise, or it does in NC, anyway.

PS: As a genuine Electronic Technician, training beginning in 1966, Dermot is exactly right on the gausing-degausing phenomenom. I remember when, if you moved a color TV across the room, the repairman would have to come out and use his de-gausing coil to get the color right again. And even then, with that technology, it wouldn't always revert to the correct color rendition.
The story I came across in Ireland is that the value of a sailors earring, was what it would cost to give them a decent burial should they die at sea.
All that spinning and sloshing is making me feel sea sick! :rolleyes: :eek:

Question: Is deguassing a monitor the same as calibrating a monitor? Since we started photographing everything with a digital camera, color management has been our biggest challenge. In order for our prints to look good, we have to have our monitor calibrated correctly to the monitors at our lab more than 60 miles east of us. :(
My sailor son called me this morning and I brought up all this stuff. As chief navigator on a tanker that plies the oceans, he personally has never seenthe water down the drain thingy. BUT he explained the coriolis affect as it has to do with weather. Bottom line: as a navigator the winds he studies move totally differently in the southern than in the northern hemispheres and they need to know this to navigate these big vessels differently; i.e. a hurricane in the Carribean is a totally different kettle of fish than a typhoon say in southeast Asia.

One last thing and I promise I'll ge off this: he also says there's an inteersting tatoo legend where sailors of yore had a tatoo of a door hinge on the inside of their arm opposite the elbow. It was to let the soul out quickly once they died.

Ah the things you learn when your son's in the maritime trades
In the old days, a CRT used 3 color guns; red, green and blue to make ALL the colors you saw on your TV, or your computer that used a CRT. These guns were 'programmed' by the internal electronics, to scan across the back side of the screen, and the resultant was that you got to see, say, Bonanza in 'Living Color'.
Almost any movement, or jarring of one of these old CRT's would result in splotches of 1 of the 3 colors, usually, as I remember, in the corners or the edges of the screen. The TV repairman would bring what was usually a homemade degausing coil, a really, really powerful magnatic field, when plugged into the AC, to your house and, basically move it around the screen until the colors corrected themselves.
Now, you have entered into a realm that I know nothing about; digital cameras, and, to a lesser extent, LCD's or liquid crystal displays. This is JUST a guess, there are many more who are far more conversant than I on this, but I would think that the digital signal from the camera would need to be 'in sync', or calibrated with the CRT or LCD on your computer. I would imagine that this would only have to be done once. Again, I am guessing and/or theorizing.
Remember, I said I started my training in 1966, and retired in 2000. The last 15 years, I worked on fiber optics and high speed digital facilities. It's been a long time since degaussing came up. I will hazard to guess, though, that degaussing is not your problem for the reasons Dermot so eloquently described.
Don't guess that helped much, but if you ever need an AT&T OC-48 turned up for service, I'm your man! I even remember some of the old battery and ground telephone stuff. More than I'd like to, actually.
You Folks are rapidly getting beyond my Physics 101 in this discussion. I do know, from perosnal experience, though, that my own monitor worked fine in Europe and the U.S. Moved it in the last move, and worked like a charm.(and they didn't manage to destroy it in the move! Yeah!) Now, I realize this is not Northern and Southern, but it is East and West.

Actually, any difference in color between what the camera the camera records and the computer shows can be corrected with the software that reads the camera's files off the hard card it is recorded on. If more corrections are need, there's always Photoshop. Where problems come up is the difference between the colors on our monitor and the one's on the monitors at the lab we send them to to be printed. Even though we calibrate at least weekly to the standard the lab sends us, we still sometimes have things that are off color (luckily, the lab adjusts for us, but they would prefer if all the files we sent them where spot on.)

So I guess, calibrating and and degaussing aren't the same. Hope it's not one more thing we are going to have to adjust to get a true color rendition. :rolleyes:
Anne your monitor has being calibrated to the same resolution as the monitor at the lab you use so that what you view is the same as what the lab views.

I will check out the software part for compatibility next week, I'm on software training most of next week, this will be a good topic for me to explore.

There are many ways to classify monitors. The most basic is in terms of color capabilities, which separates monitors into three classes:

monochrome : Monochrome monitors actually display two colors, one for the background and one for the foreground. The colors can be black and white, green and black, or amber and black.
gray-scale : A gray-scale monitor is a special type of monochrome monitor capable of displaying different shades of gray.
color: Color monitors can display anywhere from 16 to over 1 million different colors. Color monitors are sometimes called RGB monitors because they accept three separate signals -- red, green, and blue.
After this classification, the most important aspect of a monitor is its screen size. Like televisions, screen sizes are measured in diagonal inches, the distance from one corner to the opposite corner diagonally. A typical size for small VGA monitors is 14 inches. Monitors that are 16 or more inches diagonally are often called full-page monitors. In addition to their size, monitors can be either portrait (height greater than width) or landscape (width greater than height). Larger landscape monitors can display two full pages, side by side. The screen size is sometimes misleading because there is always an area around the edge of the screen that can't be used. Therefore, monitor manufacturers must now also state the viewable area -- that is, the area of screen that is actually used.

The resolution of a monitor indicates how densely packed the pixels are. In general, the more pixels (often expressed in dots per inch), the sharper the image. Most modern monitors can display 1024 by 768 pixels, the SVGA standard. Some high-end models can display 1280 by 1024, or even 1600 by 1200.

Another common way of classifying monitors is in terms of the type of signal they accept: analog or digital. Nearly all modern monitors accept analog signals, which is required by the VGA, SVGA, 8514/A, and other high-resolution color standards.

A few monitors are fixed frequency, which means that they accept input at only one frequency. Most monitors, however, are multiscanning, which means that they automatically adjust themselves to the frequency of the signals being sent to it. This means that they can display images at different resolutions, depending on the data being sent to them by the video adapters.

Other factors that determine a monitor's quality include the following:

bandwidth : The range of signal frequencies the monitor can handle. This determines how much data it can process and therefore how fast it can refresh at higher resolutions.
refresh rate: How many times per second the screen is refreshed (redrawn). To avoid flickering, the refresh rate should be at least 72 Hz.
interlaced or noninterlaced: Interlacing is a technique that enables a monitor to have more resolution, but it reduces the monitor's reaction speed.
dot pitch : The amount of space between each pixel. The smaller the dot pitch, the sharper the image.
convergence : The clarity and sharpness of each pixel.
In the future, I will be available for questions on 206 selectors, 10D ringers and SF signalling.
Dermot has refreshed my hazy memory with a few things he mentioned in his last post re: monitors, but he far exceeds me in computer technology!
And all this time, I thought you were a picture framer, Dermot!!
I let Gary worry about the calibrating and doing the final color adjusting. There are all kinds of rumors floating around in photography about the proper way to calibrate. We have heard you should always wear black to avoid reflecting a color cast on to the monitor :confused: ; that you should calibrate and work in a darkened room with only a color corrected light over the monitor :eek: ; and that should shouldn't eat chocolate because it makes you see things as redder than they are! :( Personally, I like skin tones a little bit red. I'm definitely not giving up the chocolate!!!

I loved all your correct color do's and don't's. :D When I worked in a big photo lab in Dallas we had a QC who we referred to as Mr. Magenta. He had a definite preference for magenta when color correcting. :rolleyes: It was most noticable on all the ciba prints we did for all the 7-11 stores.

OK OK OK Dermot, I stand corrected. My ignorance is showing. At least I was able to figure out that turning your monitor would be a problem, I just had no idea that CRT's have built in degausers to help solve that problem. A friend of mine was a TV repairman and I used his degauser on occasion (it was fun...kind of phsycodelic (sp?)) but he was never able to tell me why it had to be done, just that it would help with color problems. I don't think he really knew why but I do now!
Frank, I guess I have come across as a bit of a know it all, not so, I have taken this new job and as part of my training I have to know what makes computers, servers, storage, etc. etc. work, the training I’m getting some OJT (On Job Training) and some class room is superb, part of this training is where and how to find technical information on computers, understand and use it, I just thought it would be useful and a bit of fun to post some of the generic information I’m coming across on the “Computers, Software, CMC's Techie Stuff “ forum here on the Grumble a forum I have all way’s felt is greatly under utilised but until now I have being virtually unable to contribute to, If you guys think I’m being a pain in the A*S please let me know.

BTW I now have access to the full support, both technical and product wise of one of the Worlds biggest computer companies so if you guy's want any help or have any questions let me know and I will see what I can do.

This coming week I’m moving on to Software (Microsoft I’m being certified on Microsoft Products as part of my job requirement) and reproduction (printers, scanners), if I cannot answer your questions I will most likely know where to go looking for someone who will know.

If anyone wants details of the company I’m working for please include an E-mail address I will not discuss directly this company on the Grumble, my feelings on this are that it would not be ethical, I have had an indirect connection of sorts with this company for many years.
Dermot, can you give me any idea why my digital camera will not talk to my new computer? I had/have an HP. The old one was a 4473, and the new one a 7855. The old one running Win98. The new one running WinME. The camera is Kodak 3200. Had no problems with the old machine, but can't get it to download into the new machine. I know that this is probably not a fair question to ask on here, but I've about run myself and everyone else crazy trying to figure this out. I think that it's something real simple that I'm just overlooking that is the problem. If you can just give me a direction to start searching again, I would greatly appreciate it.

Susan :confused:

A LOT of people are having problems with their digital cameras when they upgrade to Windows XP. This is because older pcs have USB 1.0 ports which arent fully supported. USB 2.0 ports will usually fix this problem. The card to upgrade the ports is about $25.00 This may or may not be your problem. It was for me.


What software were you running on your old machine? If you upgraded software when you got your new machine………possible answer is that you are missing a driver.

Tech support at HP or Microsoft should be able to resolve this problem.


Dermot, I'm running the software that came with the camera and the computer. I loaded the same camera software on the new machine as I had on the old one. The main diff is that the old machine had Win 98 and the new one is Win ME. I've got the funny feeling that the slot I've got the camera wire plugged into just isn't turned on, but I'm not sure how to tell. I've looked at the BIOS, but it's Greek to me. I can't tell one slot from another. I keep forgetting to email HP about the problem. I'll do that this morning. Thanks!

Of all of the things in my life I've lost, I miss my mind the most.
Sound like the driver for the camera is missing from ME, or so I'm told.

HP should be able to give you the link to download it.


Thanks for the help, Dermot. I FINALLY remembered to email them this morning. Waiting for an answer from them about this problem. I think that you're right. That's what it acts like, a missing driver. Sure will be great to get it working again. We went to the Orlando show last Jan, and I'm still trying to download pics from there. Little slow, I know.

Susan :eek: