Northern Rockies PPFA - Bozeman show

Rick Bergeron - CPF

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Aug 18, 1999
Canistota, SD USA
Lost Cajun Chateaux
It's that time of the year again. The Northern Rockies PPFA chapter will host its annual tradeshow at the Best Western Grantree - Bozeman, MT.

Fri, Sat, Sun April 8, 9, 10

  • CPF Exam</font>
  • Friday Social event - Moose Drool Kegger</font>
  • Trade Show</font>
  • Framing Competition - Themed (Moose Drool Label) and Open</font>
  • 3 education classes by Stuart Altschuler</font>
  • Banquet w/ $5000 in door prizes</font>

For specific details regarding obtaining competition prints, class outlines, schedule and more; the latest newsletter is available as a PDF from the chapter website:

Northern Rockies PPFA chapter website

Rick Bergeron - CPF®
Hello Everyone,

Below is the list of approx $8000 in doorprizes as of today. The list may
grow between now and the banquet next Saturday night. There are some GREAT
doorprizes ranging from a Bienfang 250TX mounting press, Frame Pricing
software, products and gift certificates from your suppliers. The only
restriction is that you must have an account with a vendor in order to
accept a doorprize with them.

Remember, the doorprizes will be given away at the banquet and YOU MUST BE
PRESENT TO WIN. Tickets are obtained for money spent at the tradeshow with
vendors or education seminars.

Vendor Door Prize

American Distribution 5 ea. $100 GC for Black profile #3 moulding

Denglas Technologies 5 ea. $100 GC for Denglass from MT Moulding

Designer Moulding 5 ea. $100 GC for any Designer products

Elmers Products Bienfang Masterpiece 250 press ($2,000.00)

Fletcher-Terry Co. Lite-Grip ($135.00)
Attach-EZ ($165.00)
Framemaster Point Driver ($65.00)

Foster Planing Mill 5 ea. $100.00 GC

J Orr Moulding 5ea. $100.00 GC

Jayeness Moulding 2 ea. cs. Crescent 32x40 AF foamcore ($100.00 ea.)
2 ea. 3 boxes 2mm clear glass ($100.00
1 $100.00 GC towards any order (not

Kalenze Kraft Fine Art 5 ea. $100.00 GC towards LE giclee prints

Larson-Juhl 3 ea. $100.00 moulding GC
2 ea. Artique matboard 20 pack

Metal Frames Art 2 ea. $100.00 GC for MFA Import line moulding
1 ea. $100.00 GC for Neschen products

Montana Moulding 1 case 32x40 Denglas ($140.00)
3M ProSpray gun with adhesives
3M Mini Weld glue gun with adhesives
Fletcher Fillet Master ($225.00)
1 case 32x40 3/16 Artcare foam

Nielsen-Bainbridge 5 cases 32x40 3/16 Artcare foam (certificates
redeemed from regional Dist.)

Specialty Soft SS Lite POS software ($595.00)

Studio Moulding 5 ea. $100.00 GC
Don't want to start a big deal here, just wanted to say that I was at this show last year and several years before and it is one of the best. I didn't say best, I said one of the best in the country.

Lots of nice people, good programs, free stuff, one of the main reasons a person should belong to and participate in local PPFA chapters.

If you are a framer who sets in a shop all by yourself and never attend these regional shows, you are missing out. Texas has an exellent one every year, I'm about to do one in Pittsburgh the middle of this month and I'm sure there are many others. It's a chance to meet framers in your area, see what local distributors there are and what they carry, take some great classes, become a CPF and take a recert class, one of he most informative classes there is. The certification is not what's important, what you learn by participating is.

Just a word to the wise.
I overlooked a few doorprizes when I posted the list above.

Lifesaver Software
Funding assistance for the Friday Night social event. No cost to all attending 21 years or older. Includes hors douvers, Keg of MooseDrool (the theme of this framing competition) and productive conversation with vendors and framers in a casual atmosphere.

100 ft asst framespace, shears and whetstone for glass swiping

100 ft asst Econospace w/ shears

40 ft asst rabbetspace w/screws and installation tool

12 paks NORI hinging paste.