Nielsen Aluminum Track Hanging System Question


Grumbler in Training
Nov 27, 2024
Sandy, Utah
Professional Framer
Hi. New on the forum here. I've got a customer with two aluminum enlargements with what must be really old Nielsen aluminum track hanging systems. (see picture). Only one has sawtooth like shown. He wants the other to have the same sawtooth.

Are these still available anywhere?
I am not familiar with the hanging track system, but I have use Nielsen frame moulding as a picture rail.

The Nielsen Sawtooth still exists. I am assuming that the hanging track has the same spacing as current Nielsen frames.
They can be useful if a customer wants an empty frame, but doesn't want to choose vertical or horizontal.
Why would anyone order a frame without making that decision? I can't really say, but we used to have a customer like that.
I've never seen a frame joining system like that before.

Yes those sawtooth hangers are still a thing.

I've got a small box of them. I do still use on occasion instead of wire, usually only if customer prefers.

Most framing suppliers only sell them in bulk, you might be better off asking around in your area if you can buy just a few from another local framer.

Or maybe someone not to far could mail you a handful?