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PFG, Picture Framing God
In Memorium
Rest In Peace

Gone but not forgotten
Apr 9, 2001
Clayton, NC
Mike, or anyone else:

Is it possible to store a video-song on the web, and link to it from the G?

Or is it possible to copy a 'still' from a DVD to the G?
Charles, if you can link it, you can download it, so yeah you technically can post a link to just about anything...

The ability to put content (like images) however inside a post in a forum like the Grumble is purely determined by the capabilities of the forum software, so songs and movies are out.

Stills are fine if you can capture them and save it to an image file (JPG, PNG, etc), and then it's just like posting a picture. The hard part obviously is just capturing the image, and there are a million apps out there to do that.