Newsletter success

B. Newman

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Sep 5, 2001
Kodak, Tn. USA
As I mentioned in another thread, I always send calendars to my best customers. These are good size calendars with the actual calendar part (without the picture) about 8x10.

I usually try to send them after Christmas or early January. Well, this year was different. As I've told some of you, my Mother passed away in early January, then we had 2 other deaths in the family and numerous trips to the ER with Joe's Dad. So, to make a long story short, I mailed the calendars with January's newsletter yesterday afternoon. (I would have put "Jan-Feb" on them, but they were printed in mid-January. :rolleyes: )

I debated whether to even send them or not. I mean, a calendar in February - who does that? But it was either send them anyway or "eat" the $200 that the calendars cost, plus I had already bought the postage for them.

So, I did. Today, in less than 24 hours, I've already received 4 calls, with folks thanking me for the calendars, and saying, "I'm so glad you sent it anyway. It reminded me that I have some things I need to bring to be framed..."

I may have gotten some calls in the late afternoon, but I went horseback riding...
Didja ever notice there are no motorcycles or horses in front of a psychiatrist's office? :D

I'm looking forward to getting back into the swing of working, and maybe getting the next newsletter out on time!


Edit - Just in case anyone wondered why this is on the main forum instead of the business one, I'd been trying to post this for over an hour on the business forum, but it wouldn't take it. Then I tried on this forum several times before I finally got it on here.

[ 02-14-2004, 09:14 PM: Message edited by: B. Newman ]