newsletter housekeeping

B. Newman

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Sep 5, 2001
Kodak, Tn. USA
I wasn't sure where to post this, but since it was kinda "commercial", I thought I'd just put it down here.

I've noticed that several grumblers have signed up for my e-zine (e-mail newsletter) on my website. I just sent out an Easter e-zine and (as usual) had a few e-mail addresses come back.

I don't know if the person typed the address in wrong, or are no longer using that particular e-mail - at any rate - if you are signed up and did not receive my Easter newsletter, let me know, or resubmit your address. I just deleted all the ones that came back.

Hi, I went to yur site & signed up! Thanks for the post. I didn't even know you were doing this.

Wow, talk about "unintentional marketing"!!!

I truly posted this to clean up some old e-mail addresses, but lo and behold, a chunk of you all have now signed up for the newsletter. (and that thought never crossed my mind when I did this! - believe it or not!)

But, now that you have, let me tell you that I can't send a e-zine to just a few addresses, it's all or nothing, so if any of you want the Easter newsletter, just e-mail me and I'll forward it on to you.

Warning - this particular one has nothing to do with art and everything to do with a Mother's view of Easter. 99.9% of them will be art/framing/antiques, but that 1/10 of 1% will be personal...

Betty are you using a company to monitor your emails?

Email from a business is now a legal issue. It’s very important, especially when sending out mass mail, to get the help of the professionals. There are tons of laws requiring that you are Spam free and compliant with federal laws.

Not to mention, if one person reports your email as spam you will be put on spam lists all over. Your emails will be rejected by tons of isps. It's almost impossible to get off these lists.

If you are going to consider doing this I'd would get the help of a company like . They are not expensive and offer tons and tons of services. They will let you know about your unsubscribe rate and manage your email lists. They actually help you prepare the mailer AND review it to inform you if there is anything that will cause spam software reject your email. They even send you a report about how many of your emials were opened.

I get a newsletter from a local business. They look so nice and professional that I asked them how they do it. They referred me to verticalresponse. Anyway, it’s worth checking into. Better safe than sorry.

Carry on!
Jay, no newsletters are sent from the studio to anyone without they've subscribed for it - and there is a very prominent "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of each one.

This morning, however, I did forward the poem to several friends of mine, stating that it had been sent originally as an e-zine from the studio.

As a result, nine more people signed up today - making the total list number jump approx 50% (so far) since Friday.

What started out as "unintentional" marketing has been my most successful to date! :eek:

Again just be careful. If one person mistankenly reports it as spam, it could make it hard to send any emails.
Thanks Jay. I appreciate that.

The e-zine is set up by the company that hosts my site. They create most of the "art" related content, but I have the option of creating issues myself, which is what I did with the Easter poem.

And like I said, I canNOT believe the response!

Betty, you are a really good writer and you always have something useful to make us think about. I definitely CAN believe the response to your newsletter. The main fact,for me as a framer: I appreciate your sharing!

Keep up the good work!

Thanks Janet. Man, when it rains, it pours! :D

HGTV just aired the program they did on us today and I've gotten e-mails and phone calls all afternoon!

We don't have cable, so the only way I know it has been on is by the flurry of e-mails.

That, and over 40 new sign-ups for the e-zine in the past 5 days! Way cool!
