New Wizard 8000


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Jul 30, 1997
Rob a bank, mug a stranger, you gotta have it.

I just spent the last 10 hours packing up the old one and installing the new. It's after 11pm and I'm ready to go home. The shops a mess but I cut 6 assorted mats. Best 6 mats I've ever seen come out of a wizard. I can honesty say the quality is as good as I cut by hand at my best. I hate to use the word perfect as there is no such thing but as close as I've seen.

Hand cut mats will be a lost art 10 years from now. Remember hand nailing, same thing.

You heard it here 1st.
ooooooooo, I am soooooooo jealous! We are patiently waiting for ours... surely Grumblers get priority? And remember, Edd, you promised about my birthday and everything!
Ordered ours early February and still waiting. Not so patiently now that I've read framer's review. :(

[ 04-26-2003, 08:50 AM: Message edited by: Maryann ]
Yeah, me too. And I know Wiz Edd promised mine to be shipped right before Ellen's. You don't think ol' Edd was trying to do a selling job on us , do you?

MaryAnn-How was your trip to Rome? Now, I'm jealous all over again. I hope you had as much fun as we did-if you did, it should have been a trip of a lifetime
For the record I ordered my in early Feb even before I saw it.

We ordered at WCAF late Jan. See, I knew Edd liked you best.

Maryann-We are looking at maybe next summer, but this time we're going to spend much more time up North. I often still look at the pictures and wish for more. How about you? I need to thow some more AMEX points Delta's way (if they are still going to be in biz then)
We ordered sight unseen too, thinking we'd check it out at the NY show and cancel if it wasn't what they said it was. Well, it was all they said and MORE. We love our "old" is tweaked to cut perfect mats every time, but I'm looking forward to all the features on the new.

Bob - we didn't have enough of Rome, but we're headed to London next March.
Good Saturday Morning, All,

What is the sale/lease price for the
Wizard 8000

Originally posted by Maryann:
Rome was WONDERFUL. Need to go back!
Sorry to butt-in and frankenthread, but my wife and I went to Rome this past January for two weeks and then a third to the Chianti region in Tuscany. Where in Rome did you stay? We stayed in the Piazza Navona neighborhood. I could talk Italy all day.

Now back to our regularly scheduled thread.

Perhaps there should be a grumbler travel forum added.

Yeah, we've just about ruined this thread-but for a worthy cause. Travel.

We stayed off Piazza Venezia, next to the Imperial Forum. We walked easily to Vittori Emmanuel, Trevi, Pantheon, Roman Forum and the Coloseum. I love the history.

Didn't spend enough time in Florence and you can bet it will get more time next time. Spent 3 days in Positano, but probably won't next trip.

Went to Greece for a week after Italy and should have done it reverse. I lived in Greece,so knew what to expect. But my wife was a little disappointed after seeing Rome. Had we done it Athens first, then Rome, we all would have liked it better.

If any moderator wants to move this to a more logical place, no objections here. I suspect we all will probably add more.
We stayed in Porta Maggiore, which is close to the Coloseum and being in Rome, walking distance to everywhere. The subways are just too scary. Never saw anything like them. Had dinner one evening in the Piazza Navona neighborhood - it was all good.

Now back to the Wizard 8000........

Thank you for the update, we are always happy to hear nice comments about the new machine. There were some rumblings earlier this year that our competition doubted our ability to actually deliver the new 8000, hopefully your post puts that rumor to rest.

Bob and Maryann, scheduling the delivery of these things is a tricky matter and I have learned quite a bit about making promises. Although my intentions were always the best, my common sense wasn't working at full speed.

We made a determination after the first two tradeshows that we were going to be inundated with orders for upgrades as well as new orders (bad forecasting on my part). We felt that from a priority standpoint we should try to give some preference to new orders since those customers didn't have a machine to use. Maryann validated this with her comment that the old machine still cuts well but she is looking forward to the new machine. So we have limited the number of machines going to upgrade customers each week so that we can get new customers something to cut with. In some instances, we have shipped a Model 5000 to a new customer just to hold them until their Model 8000 is ready. Just for information purposes, we have taken nearly 400 orders since January (the majority are new orders) but we are on track to get them all out by mid-summer. It's amazing, we currently ship 15 machines per week, with our goal to be 25 per week by mid-May. That is based on a normal day-shift operation with existing staff. If we find we need to accelerate our shipping, we can easily bring in temporary staff or add a second shift. It doesn't look like either of those two scenarios will be necessary.

We still keep a priority placement for the upgrade customers based on when you ordered and when all the appropriate paperwork and deposits were completed. I checked and both of you are on the schedule for delivery in the next few weeks. By the way when is your birthday Maryann? If I promised delivery by your birthday and we don't make it, I will personally send you a "present" to make up for my faux pas. As for you Bob, if I promised a delivery date that we didn't make, let me know and I will pay penance for that as well.

For others of you who have ordered your machines, I want to say thank you for your patience and I think I am safe in saying, your new machine will be worth the wait.
Hey Edd-You never promised a firm date and I thought we were having fun with "you like them better than me" schtick.

Actually, we were told late April, so we aren't out of the woods yet. However, if you would feel better with some type of penance, we received a box of bad blades. After having shredded openeing after shredded opening, we called Tech Services for help.

After trying all obvious remedies, the tech asked if we had another box of blades(and who wouldn't always have a back up at the ready?). We cracked that new box open and Presto! we're cutting the same perfect corners we have grown to expect. He said it happens occassionally.

So, if you want to pacify the CMC gods, an offering of a free replacement box of blades seems to be in order

Done! They will be in with your 8000 when it comes (See guilt works on me). I did realize you were teasing me, I grew up with 6 sisters and no brothers, I am used to being teased mercilessly.

Please return the bad guys so we can chastise the manufacturer.

Also, so everyone knows, if you have boxes of unopened blades for the 5000 and you have upgraded to the 8000, I will swap 5000 blades for 8000 blades at no charge.

[ 04-28-2003, 04:25 PM: Message edited by: WizardEdd ]
Oh my God We are in FRAMERS HEAVEN!! We set up our new Wizard yesterday! It is a wonderful machine and the software is truely amazing!
My favorite thing is the "merge " feature. I am merging everything ( even if it doesn't need it ..he he ) ...SO much fun to use ! It will make mat designing such a pleasure...I have to thank Wizard for the wonderful support. You will have a very satisfied customer for many years to come..

Another thing I noticed the computer is really quite. Its dropped the noise level in the shop by a 1/3. I can't even hear it at all. The noise of the machine in operation is also greatly reduced.

I am so jealous. I am told it will be more than a month before I get my new 8000. I'm sure it will be worth the wait. :cool:
Originally quoted by WizardEdd:
I will swap 5000 blades for 8000 blades at no charge.
This sounds like a good deal. That's 3,000 extra blades. I'm going to see if my bank manager will give me the same deal- $8,000 for $5,000.

;) Rick
Hey Rick-I think Edd is speaking of models, not quantities.Sometimes I don't read the posts all the way through, either.

But, in case Edd wants to send 3000 blades free, that's fine, too.

I suspect he's a tad smarter than that, though.

Now, as to your banker...
I saw the new Wizard tonight, and Judy you are right, it is Framer's Heaven. Bob, Shirk, you have every right to be jealous, and framer I noticed the new computer too. I think the word "sweet" pretty much sums it up. You should see the tiny things they were cutting. I don't do anymore than an occasional rectangle in an emergency, but I sure can appreciate what they have done because of talking about it with my coworker nearly every day.

What is going to be the next wonderful framing tool?