New website: comments invited


WOW Framer
Jul 24, 2001
Buffalo, New York, USA/Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada
No, it's not MY website, but it belongs to my business partner, Kim. She and I have two separate businesses under one roof, and we have been together for over 20 years. She does retouching and restoration, never touches framing; I do framing - never touch restoration.

Kim and her hubby Mike, the computer king, have been working frantically to perfect this website for months now - it went up today. Please check it out! We want any comments and suggestions all you experts may have to offer.

Personally, I am pretty durned proud of them and the website, and you get to see portraits of the Jack Russells, Jester and Princess Pixel.


I can't make that a link, sorry. Lost me in the "page title" part. Oh dopey me.
Ooops, I forgot the "www"

Let's try that again:


Still can't figger out how to make it turn blue. Maybe cause Kim is a redhead?
Ya just have to watch those typos! You put a semicolon after the http instead of a colon. All you have to do is type the www and then the period and then the web name and add .com But be sure not to put a comma or a period right after the .com because any little additonal thing to the web address just shoots it all to pot!


Oh, the site looks great!
Nice layout with good interaction on the photo restore pages.

I found the purple text on lavender background a little hard to read, however. Generally, the more contrast, the better.

Otherwise, very well done!
Kudos on your website!

I did find a broken link and knew that you would want to know about it and fix the link. It is on the digital Art page under Pet Portraits paragraph, the link to "Animals Gallery" isn't working.

The size of your images could be brought down a bit more for those of us who are still in the slow modem mode! Most images will do well optimized at around 12k to 15k at an image width of 400dpi and will suffer such minor detail damage that most would never notice that they are an optimized image.

I am sure you already know how to do that in PhotoShop 6 or 7. Use the "Save for web" option and it will walk you right through the procedure.

Good looking site.

I like it!! A website that enables you to get from "here to there" without having to back up the same road you rode in on is wonderful!! Nice graphics, artwork and restoration... Good luck and if I have a need for anyrestoration I am only 70 miles east of you!!

Very good, nice, tidy and easy to use.

Only one gripe, the use of a light purple text on a dark purple backgroud does not make for easy reading. (I highlighted it and it was much better)
Thanks for the input folks, that's what we were looking for! Keep it coming, or contact Kim directly thru the site and be sure to let her know you're a Grumbler (although she'll recognize a lot of names cause I send her Grumble pages all the time!).

Kim's husband has a terrior like devotion to digging at the site and changing it every five minutes, and since this is only his second website, he just has too much fun perfecting everything.

And by the way, colons, semi-colons, I can't even tell east from west,so give me a break (and thanks for the pointers Marc and Betty)!
Mar, Great site!!
Man, she does good work!
I have to agree with Bill and Lance, though. A little more contrast in the text would make it easier on the eyes.
Both she and her husband appear to 'know what they're doin', as we say in High Southern!

PS: It takes a proctologist to tell a colon from a semi-colon, I think.
Just wanted y'all to know that Kim has added a bulletin board forum to her website, topics covered range from Photo Restoration stories (we've got a million of 'em) to dogs and cats and pet health.

And guess what - I am going to be a moderator on the Cat in the Hat forum!!!!! Isn't that cool?!?

Please stop in for a look-see and a comment or two. She is also going to add a framing forum.

Mind you, this ain't no Grumble, folks, but nurture it and it will grow.

Thanks again for your feedback.

PS, this BBS also had a wider range of emoticons!!!
Thanks for the info Mar. I've been to the BB and registered. You might want to warn Kim though that I'm among the top ten posters as far as number of posts made on the Grumble. I haven't been posting as much lately on the Grumble, but a BB for retouching and cats-those are two areas where I have alot to say and not alot of places to say it. This could be dangerous... :eek: