New " The Grumble Home Page??


True Grumbler
Jul 28, 2005
Hey any suggestions on how to get in touch with the guy who provides this site? I have emailed to the addresses on the pages here with no response.

I took the liberty of creating a new look for the main page ony because I thought we could use a fresh look.
Whats the catch? Nothing!

Just thought I would provide it since they provide this venue for us. Yet I have heard nothing from anyone from this site. here is a link to the page that I created in case you want to know what I designed.

I don't know about anyone else, but I haven't seen the main page for years. Thats not what I have bookmarked. I have this page bookmarked:

Another thought....perhaps the owner of the site might not appreciate someone "taking a liberty" such as this.

Yet another thought.....what would your reaction be if someone wanted to redesign your main page?
Cool design - but like Ormond - I haven't seen the main page for years either - My "home page" is the one Ormond mentioned...

The owner of the Grumble, "framer tg" aka William McKay, is a busy framer (really!) and he seems content to let us hum along on our own here except for the rare occasions when he is seized with the wild desire to tinker and upgrade our humble Grumble. Bill may love or hate your redesign - give him some time to respond.

My 2 cents.
Its fun to play I guess, I havn't seen the home page for many years either.

Your idea is kind of neat but is very g-heavy and rather boring looking.
I see a problem with your design.
For those of us with slow dial up connections it loads very slowly.
I got tired of waiting and exited.

Don't fix what ain't broken!
I don't like your design, Bluewing. Too neonish, too fast-frame, too young and provincial. Sorry, don't be blue, ma fella, it's just my opinion. Also, I noticed that you are relatively new to TG, therefore my advice may be of help to you: don't let yourself be taken by cheap remarks like "nice" and "cool". They most likely speak of grumblers' considerable capital of kindness and getting along together than anything else (and this is a sort of code of conduit in here).

To me TG's current home page is so classy and balanced that I would not change an iota in it. But then I look to it more as a land mark than a "selling tool" such as an inviting sign or window would be.
The Grumble is what it is.

There are typos and grammatical errors throughout and not a lot of flash.

But its functionality has improved over the years, it rarely crashes, it loads quickly and it makes a lot of people happier and better framers.

I think your heart is in the right place but, if someone sent me an unsolicited revamp of my website, I'm afraid I would ignore it.
Don't take it personal Blue -
But TG is just fine as it is - as a matter of fact, it is far superior to other forum's websites (HH for example) Easy to navigate, very easy to respond to querys, etc. And it's FUN!!!
Great effort, but I have to agree with everyone, its fine the way it is, and most of us don't see that home page. Its an info/bad joke sharing forum, not a selling tool.

Sorry...but great initiative(sp?)

You went to some effort, so I looked.

At 45,296 bps, it took about two minutes to load. In two minutes, I could post at least three dog stories. The current home page loads in about .5 seconds.

You have to scroll down to read your home page. The current one fits on a page without scrolling (just in case anyone actually reads it.)

Most importantly, it doesn't add to the functionality of The Grumble. Except for the sponsored links, The Grumble isn't selling anything to anyone. The content and ease-of-use is everything.

Anyone remember when Warped went all psychedelic for a few days? At first, there were positive comments about the "fresh look," (like it was on purpose.) After a bit, though, most of us were going blind and were pretty relieved when it returned to "normal."
No offense taken I truly appreciate the points. As to load time my fault for not checking before posting. I should have known better. But there is always next time. Constructive criticism if I am not able to take it then I definitely should not be a member of the grumble because that is what we learn from here at the grumble.

Thanks will take your advice and leave well enough alone.

Forgot to address Osgood you mentioned:

Yet another thought.....what would your reaction be if someone wanted to redesign your main page?

Just FYI that is how we generate new clients for our interenet company. Does it work well you would have to ask the 200 clients that we have.

No offense taken from anyone who can show me a better way anytime they contact me.

Having said that I do however appreciate your point it was well recieved and in some cases if you don't ask you don't know the outcome.

I hope that no one thought I was butting in when I made the frapper map! I wondered about that!

Al -your page was nice - but rather large and the scrolling I thought was a bit too much.

I don't visit the front page anymore either - I just go straight to the forum page.