New Store....getting there


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Jul 24, 2004
Round Pond, ME
Whew! There's so much to do, getting a new shop up and running. I really, really appreciate having the grumble to turn to for advice.
My space is 1104 square feet, on the coast of Maine. We have the dividing wall up ready to mud over and have insulated the other walls. Just got my saw yesterday (framesquare) and had my speedmat calibrated and tuned up. The phone gets hooked up today and my underpinner (VN1+2) arrives tomorrow, the mounting press (Seal 500tx) beginning of next week. Have to decide on carpet color for the customer area/gallery and a customer counter. Need to meet with suppliers/distributors and get the corner samples up, and still trying to decide on a business card design. The name of the business is FRAMEast...... Maine being the easternmost state.... yes, the sun rises here first.
You sure are correct with this one, gperry! Our Art Gallery and Frame Shop opens one month from today with a preview party the night before (9/10) and we still have so many things to do. The walls are moved/torn down/rebuilt in both the gallery and frame shop, they're painted in the gallery (and right now, the heck with them in the frame shop as customers won't be back there) and two coats of glossy white have been put on the trim. The carpet is being laid on Saturday and we pick up a bunch of storage, counters, etc. from a frame shop that closed on Sunday. We have all of our equipment and a lot of tables, etc. to put it on and are about to order all of the supplies.

My business partner is away for two weeks and when she gets back hopefully we can start framing the artwork that we bought. We still have to automate the previous owner's customer list, artist list, make up our invitations, labels, and mail them. We've spoken with three vendors for mouldings - Larson Juhl, Turner, and Roma with samples on the way - have samples from both Crescent and Bainbridge and have designed, ordered and gotten our business cards. With all of that done, it still seems like we haven't done much compared to what we still have to do. The only thing keeping us sane is the fun we'll have once we open. We both love art, framing - both design and actually doing it - and best of all we'll be our own bosses. WE CAN'T WAIT!!! Now, if only there were more time.......

Longwood Art Gallery LLC
Kennett Square, PA.