New Sign

Jay H

PFG, Picture Framing God
Dec 8, 2003
This was a fun project I did last week. I wanted a classy looking open sign for the sidewalk. The store is a combination of very old building with modern decor. I think this sign fits the bill nicely.


The "g" is messed up. I might fix that one day. Or not.

Its all wood. You can see whats raised in this picture. The black is textured paint, and the OPEN is Gold and the rest is cream colors.
Jay...looks great. I'd leave the "g" creates graphic tension and adds to the personality.

You'll need to think up a really entertaining and bizarre story about why the "g" dropped...not feeling witty today so I'll have to leave that up to others.

Nice job.

Dave Makielski
Great sign, Jay.

I agree Dave - I would leave the 'g' alone. I actually thought you had done it on purpose to put a slight angle in "Angles"
Hmmmm thats a neat idea actually.

I have for a long time wanted to play off the "Angles" as most people call it "Angels". I figured a visual would help battle that but I didn't want anything cartoonish and whimsical. Maybe tilting the g might be just the ticket?
Tilting the "G"....isn't that what happened a few weeks back in Warped....gotta watch some of those 100+ post political threads.
Jay, you've just made my day! I'm thinking about a project for tomorrow....great idea!

It's S-L-O-W!!!I was just about to write
OPEN----> on a big piece of neon-pink matboard and put it on the windshield of my car out front. Changed my mind because my car's so ratty. They asphalt-sealed our side street yesterday and had our parking lot closed off and everyone thought we were closed, and today is a big "Run What Ya Brung" car show, and threateneing to be another hot, s-l-o-w one.

Heck, I think I'll put that pink thing out anyway, maybe someone will want to buy my "vintage" 1988 Buick! Ha!!
The offset “g”, I think, will work. It should be a subtle attention grabber.


Be careful if you try to put a slant on “angel”. When I first opened, I read everything I could find in our little town library on advertising. One book I got was written by a guy who spent most of his life on Madison avenue.

One of the things that stuck with me was that he said that <u>every</u> ad campaign that has ever featured angels has lost market share! He didn’t have the data to back up his theory, but he believed that since there is a strong Judeo-Christian tradition in which angels play a part, that people subconsciously cringe at their use in advertising.

Recently, I can recall some bathroom tissue and Philly Cream Cheese trying to use angels. The ads were pulled off the air after a very short time. I suspect that was because their sales dropped.
Jay -

What a great sign!! I just love it - tipped/angled "g" or not!!!

Very Classy looking and I think you achieved completely the modern/antique combo!!

Could be a new profit center!?!!


I love it and I thought it was intentional as well.

I saw a fix it up show on TLC the other day and a guy didn't have the money to update the sign in front of his crab house so he had a company turn it upside down.

He also had t-shirts printed upside down and gave them out and it generated some buzz as to why it was upside down.

his standard answer was delivered with a straight face, something to do with huricane Katrina.

Great sign, I'm going to have to pull out my router now and do some carving this weekend.
Jay, 99% of the sidewalk signs I see are pretty tacky and I wish our town would ban them, however yours looks great and works in your setting. Good job!

Maybe we can at least come up with some sort of standards. Yours would be a good example..."make them like Jay's".
Did you cut out those letters yourself? I think the sign looks great. I've been trying to figure out what I want to do for a sign. Yours looks fantastic and very classy.
Jay what a beautiful sign!!!

When folks ask you about the dropped "g" tell them it is an homage to your beloved grandpa, who, when he spoke, was always droppin' his "g's."
I'm adding my "two cents" too, IT LOOKS ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS....

Don't change a anything, don't tweak it, just set it outside and be proud, what a great sign.

Nice sign Jay!

Like others have mentioned, many towns have ordinances against sidewalk signs because people go overboard with color and tackiness.

"Unless it looks like Jay's", should be the new ordinance!
Good job! We now know what your sign looks like, your dining room table, chair and floor look like, too!

Is that a box of Wheat Thins to the left? You gonna finish those or, uh....?
There are very few rules here on those signs. Often the police will ask you to move them back if they are blocking line of sight in intersections. This one being narrow shouldn't be a problem.

I did cut the letters out myself. It took one whole evening to cut them. They look ok. I used a scroll saw with an extremely fine blade so it didn't need any sanding. Well I did have to sand the edges a bit because they were too sharp to hold paint.

Ron, I will bring it in. You will notice that my two existing pots don't match. You will also notice the missing blue pots with new perfect coral colored hibiscus with 10 blooms a day missing. I won't add this sign to this list. Plus I'm not open at night.

You would also be surprised how many customers have been in my store multiple times and they still call it "Great Angels". I don't correct them and I'm thankful because I could be confused with worse things.

Right now my only store sign is vinyl on the windows. I have been thinking about building my own store sign too. I'll post some pictures later but this sandwich board is in the same vane as the other businesses on the block.

My biggest concern is how the materials would weather? The textured paint is not weather proof. I could of coarse cover the entire thing with a sealant after I finish the final paint job but even still, I’m not sure how weather proof it would be. I would want any sign I build to last at least 5 years or so. Any ideas? I have some teak wood that might work well?