new products to check out in Vegas

Sep 28, 2005
Does anyone have recommendations of things to check out in Vegas at the upcoming tradeshow? Thanks.

I think the most innovtive person on the framing scene in a long time (besides Jim Miller) is Pat Kotnour whose company, Attach-EZ Inc. is always ahead of the curve. I hear she has a new line of pigment based pens that can effectively color the tabs of the Attach EZ barbs and also a new line of threads that can effectively be used for attaching dimensional objects. In addition, she always has some excellent examples of objects that have been attached usind her products.
OK so I forgot the innovator, the emancipator, the architect of really cool things for framers, and if you use a vacuum press, you owe him a huge debt of grattitude (because he invented it) but he is too modest to tell you.....Greg Fremstad of Frame Tek, who ALWAYS has cool things at his booth (and very cool framed examples of what you can do with his products.)

I heard that he has some very cool new step drills, and if you are a tool junkie like me, these you've gotta see.
If you haven't already bought it, check out the imaging software from Picture It First (Lifesaver) and Integrated Framer (Wizard). And I wouldn't be surprised to see introduction of a third entry into this product category.

What a difference it makes at the design table. Considering that a 30 minute frame design session might amount to a third -- or even half -- of the total labor time involved in a framing project, saving a few minutes by helping a reluctant customer decide can be a huge advantage.

See you there!
DigitalCustom, the firm I am with, offers photo restoration and a wide variety of digital editing services to hundreds of framers in the US including a number of Grumblers. We will be exhibitors at WCAF, PMA/PPFA and Decor NYC.

Please do stop by to see us.

Dave Veilleux
Director, Business Development
Lisa saw that you're from CT. So for wooden boat, sail boat, ChrisCraft mahogany boats...
Checkout the new Nautical line by Garrett Moulding. They are supposed to be next door to us at Frank's Fabrics where we will be debuting the brand new "Fabric Wrapping 101" DVD and 12 new fabrics...
I GOT A "SNEAK PEAK" of Frame Tek's new pilot drills and they are worth having. Another, "Why Didn't I Think of That" from Greg, but that's why he makes the big bucks.

Stop by the Frame Tek booth, it will be worth your time.
The drills were available in Atlanta...have a set...use them often. It's not rocket science, but what a simple, clever, affordable solution.
Greg's booth is always a good "drop by" for innovative solutions.