New Picture Framing/Art Gallery Software-Free Download


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Jul 30, 1997
OK! I've been using this program for about 12 years now. I worked for the original startup company in 1990 and was given the code when we dissolved the company. I completed it when I worked at my last job and used it there. When I started up my company I dusted off the code and added many new features. The current version posted to the board is 1.7 for the record I'm using 1.94e which has many addition features and fixes.

The upcoming 2.0 has the following that 1.7 doesn't.

1. Run under win98 and can be networked.

2. From the invoice menu when an order is completed you may with a single keystroke send an e-mail message to your client that the order complete.

3. Other documents from frame orders to invoices or reports can be e-mail just like printing it.

4. Compiled under CA-Clipper 5.3b, v.1.7 was also.

5. It's FREE for the taking.

6. Other changes from 1.7

A. Invoice area,
1. Each PMT is posted as a line item on the invoice. Type of payment is also saved. Payment may not be deleted and an adjustment entry must be made if wrong. The invoice data is stored in an array and saved to a memo field. PMT info is also saved to a PMT database that can be compared to the invoice and used for deposit information.
2. A deposit report can be generated by date and breaking out and sorting type of payment.
3. Special screen only report tracking sales can be displayed with a single key stroke.
4. Printed sales report can also be generated for sales tax or other need at any time.

5. A few browse functions used by the invoice program have been changed so append and delete can not be done there. Edit may be used but is more restrictive then before. Less chance for errors to happen.

6. E-mail an invoice is planned before release.

7. E-mail an order completed message to your customer is in the program now and is wonderful.

B. Art area has only been upgraded for networking

C. Frame order area
1. Many internal fixes
2. Discount may be fixed amount, percent of whole order, or percent of order excluding the frame mouldings.
3. Networked
4. Purchase order report, this print a list of needed mats and mouldings (including the footage needed) for orders not marked completed. You then need to check your mouldings or mats in stock against it. Note: It does not take any more time to check the stock against the list that trying to keep an inventory that's always wrong in your computer. )

D. Customer area,
1. E-mail field added
2. networked

E. Calendar
1. Networked
2. Location of the item is possible. More later.
3. A couple of shortcut keys to be documented.

F. All(should be) browse functions used for selecting invoices, customers, art and frame orders have been modified so they can not be used to append or delete a record. The return key has also been turned off in the browse. Putting the cursor and just typing will enter edit mode and changed can be made to an existing record if needed.

If needed you may open any database in the file section and append, delete, pack(remove), or edit records. A password option on the File section is being considered.

E-mailing is planned for most printed reports, orders and invoices. The Fax area may be replaced soon with e-mail or both may be there.

That's the good part.

Now the bad.

1. It's a DOS based program.
2. You need a DOS based printer, an old HP 2 or 3 works great. I've also used it with a new Brother HL-1240 with success. Many window based printers will not work. This is where many people fail trying to get the program to work.
3. You need to know some DOS and be able to network your system under win98.
4. You need to know how to unzip the program into a DOS subdir that you created.
5. You need to read the manual to edit the menu and pricing formulas.
6. You enter your prices and updates. ( This is where we can share databases and save time. )
7. The manual has not been updated with all the new features.
8. This program does not keep your inventory for you. It does print a list of all mats and mouldings needed for orders not completed.

What I just want to know is anybody interested in this or should I just let it die.

More later wife's calling...

mores been added above 7/7/2002
It's release is being delayed I really like the email part but it kills the mouse. Always something....

I hope to get it out next week.
The way help on this program will work is right here. If a question is about a BUG or UNDOCUMENTED area I will anwser it here or direct you to the documentation.

Questions about DOS, Win9X, Networking and UnZipping files, please start a new thread.

I'm writing a start document and when done will place everything here for downloading.

I would be willing to try it out.
I am also anxious to check it out, once the new version is released.

Any word on this???
Sorry for the delay. I'm still testing. A couple of issues came up at the last minute and I'm trying to sort them out.

If anyone is interested there has been several clipper 5.3 compilers on ebay for as low as $20. This would allow you to compile custom versions for yourself. I will be releasing the source code with the program.

Been doing more testing today. Found and fixed another couple spots. Really giving the new network locks a torture test. Still a couple more on the hit list.

In other news I set up a Red Hat Linux box, installed a samba server and was able to serve this program off of it. I then setup a dos emulator in Linux along with an SSL server and was able to log on from home and run the program in an SSL terminal program. I have cable access at both locations and the speed was more than exceptable for my needs. I have not confirm if the network file locks are working in this mode. I mention all this stuff FYI of what is possible. I downloaded all the stuff to do this for FREE. It did take me many hours of research and I'm obsessing about it so the wife says, but whats new.

I look forward to checking out the fruits of your labor!


PS: We heavily use pcAnywhere to access our POS from home(and back up remotely), and to access our accounting system at home from the shop. I love that program
Well the final beta cut in the can. I will be testing it for a week and if nothing develops I will release the 1st beta version at that time. If you are going to use it without networking it should be fine. I'm sure most problems will be about the network functions.

Sounds good!