MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Just wanted to tell all who have a Mat Maestro or imat that a new software has been released.
So far so good. We have tested it all morning and all corners appear to be working as well as good ovals. It also came with a excellent users manual. All of you M/M and imat users might want to get the update.
You will be very pleased with this new software. Sure beats getting a new CMC!Or using it for an expensive doorstop! The price for the software was 299.00
Go to http://www.gkenterprises.biz/
Judy Nansel
So far so good. We have tested it all morning and all corners appear to be working as well as good ovals. It also came with a excellent users manual. All of you M/M and imat users might want to get the update.
You will be very pleased with this new software. Sure beats getting a new CMC!Or using it for an expensive doorstop! The price for the software was 299.00
Go to http://www.gkenterprises.biz/
Judy Nansel