New Google search


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 12, 2003
North Carolina - Picture Framing Capital of the Wo
I'm sure others have already read this. Seems Google and others are changing how they search and show web sites.
Betty Newman's recent articles as well as others in ABN have me thinking about upgrading our website.

My question for you tech experts is how /what should I do to make sure my website gets MORE play. We are starting to generate traffic to our site (probably through Real YP) and want more. Help, suggestions and ideas are welcomed.

Google and the search engines change their search algorthims almost monthly. They modify them to stay ahead of the people who cheat the algorithms to get unjust high rankings. It is an endless cycle similar to the one that spam filter writers and spamers are in. The more significant recent change is paid searching such as Adwords. Those are the sponsored links on the top and right. If you click on one, the company who owns the link pays Google 5 cents.

I took a look at your site. One change I would suggest is getting rid of the flash introduction. In my default browser your website page is blank because I don?t like wasting my time on that stuff and so it is disabled. Your intro is about 500Kbytes which is way way too much. I have a high speed DSL connection and it still took 3 or 4 seconds to load. For someone with 56K dialup, it might take close to a minute. Look at one of the most successful websites in the history of the internet ? It is about 16Kbytes. It is very small to be quick loading. If it was 500Kbytes, no one, absolutely no one, would have ever heard of Google.

After waiting that minute, what do they get? They get your phone number, address, and a few words about your shop and the artists in your Gallery. Not much more than they could get from the phone book. I was going to get on to you about not having an email address but double checked and found it. To get it I have to click the button which launches outlook express which is not my mail tool. One thing you could put on your website is a map to your place.

There are two critical factors which determine the amount of traffic to your site. One is the content of your site. Right now there is not much content on your site. For people who do not live in NC there is no useful content at all. The other is links from other quality and related sites to your site. You currently have a few such links showing up on altavista (in altavista search on ? without the quotes). One of them shows up on goggle. You can see your website popularity across the search engines at Just increasing traffic to your website will just cost you more money since you web host will charge you more money. For instance you could pay google a bunch of money for the search term ?picture frame? and you will get thousands of hits. Unfortunately 99.99% of them will not be anyone that would want to use your services since they do not live in NC. Before trying to get more traffic to your site you must ask yourself what kind of traffic do you want? Who do you want? Why do you want them to go there? What will you give them for going there?

It would be useful for your website to come up if they search on something like ?custom framing charlotte? however your current website will never come up in such a search because the word ?Charlotte? does not exist as text anywhere on your website which means the search engines will not see it. Although your website has the keyword {custom framing} the keyword {Charlotte} was not added to the list. And since none of the keywords show up as text in your website the search engines will practically ignore them. Now I say practically, which means your site will probably be towards the bottom of the list. How long is the list? 57,400. Now the list for {?custom framing charlotte?} is empty in Google so you would have a chance at showing up on that one if you do some work on your site. The artists you represent are not currently listed as keywords on your site.

You should try to get to have a link to your site on the Judith Cutler page. Judith has the name or you gallery on her page but not a link. I did not check the others. You are helping them with your links to their sites. They should give links to your site which will send useful traffic to your site, and will increase your rankings in the search engines.

Hope this helps get you started.


Mark Rogers
Frame Destination
Great advice Mark!

The link you posted has moved to:

Since his site is entirely flash, none of the keywords will probably be indexed except "APPLEWOOD GALLERY" from the title tag. On the short term, including a small paragraph underneath the flash navigation system would get more keywords included on the search engines.

ex: "Applewood gallery is a full featured custom picture framing gallery which serves the Charlotte, NC area. We represent artists such as xxxxxxx etc"

The changes are interesting. If you put in a location in your search, it'll sort them by distance. It displays them all, whether or not they have a web page. Yahoo does it a different way.

I probably should have pointed out that another movement in search industry is location specific search and directory. I have seen some talk about it, but ignored it since I will be national. For that reason I am not able to talk about it.

I will be selling frames on my site and I have no intention to use flash. I want people to come to my site to buy a ready-made frame, not to see a movie. My site will be intuitive, which means that the buttons required to make a purchase are not going to be hip and trendy, complicated, slow loading, tricked out, weirdly named, and artistically sprinkled across my page in a decorative manor. They will be like google buttons. When you hit the button, it will bring up exactly what you expect, and it will bring it up fast. In other words, instead of my website making it complicated, difficult, and time consuming for you to place an order, it will attempt to make it as quick and efficient as possible. Will my style work for everyone? No, but it works for me. Before I started to design it I answered the most fundamental question which is, what do I want people to do at my site? Let me warn you that most of the web designers you hire are not going to offer anything like this for you. They are going to offer you the most complicated, trendy, tricked out, customized, flashy, artistic stuff they can. Why? Because it is fun and cool to do stuff like that, it allows them to create cool show-off sites they can use as advertising for themselves, they can bill you for a lot of hours, and lastly they can brag to their friends about it. Now if you are a movie company, record company, or advertising agency, then that stuff might be what you need. For an e-commerce site, it is the kiss of death, and an expensive kiss at that!

Mark Rogers
Frame Destination
Mark and Mike:
I read about the and that's what got me thinking about this subject. I don't want the site to be national or even have a big retail presence -- just show some art (and maybe sell some) but primarily be information-related for people in our market. I just want to be sure that if someone in this area goes to Google/Yahoo/ wherever that I show up.

My all-Flash site is an issue I know; I'm working on the changes now with my website guy. I just wanted some input on what to look for. Thanks for the input.
