New Dell Laptop


PFG, Picture Framing God
Jan 1, 2001
Houston, Texas
Just got my new laptop, and like other Dell products I've used, it's a great machine for a pretty decent price.

The thing I think's pretty cool about it is the display. It uses a new type of screen (sorry, don't know all the technical details) that allows for a clear case and a transparent screen. Sort of like the Macs with transparent cases, except you can actually see through the screen itself.

Couple pics I took today:
That is, as some say, fierce!

The only problem I see with it is it's not a Mac.
Can you seee the screen from the other side as well? Or is it like your own personal teleprompter! What is the "glare" factor like? If the sun, (or a strong light) shines on the back does it kill the picture on the front?

Really cool screen though.
BTW nice pictures on your desktop. How did you get them to line up so well?

If you do come up with that screen, make it a touch screen! Then with pensoftware you won't need a keyboard to use it.
Another Stupid Question from me....

Do any of you use a lap top in your store or are they mainly for home use?

I think that would be cool for the shop. And can you connect it to one you already have in your shop?

Like if you have Life saver on one, can you have it on a second and the calendars stay the same?

I would love to move my giant one to the back and get a lap top for the front counter to open up more space.

What do you think?


That is possible. We have LifeSaver on our server at the front counter, but also on a laptop that we only take out on busy days. They share the same database, through the network in the shop.
Go for it: I use a laptop exclusively at work. I don't connect it to the internet though. It has saved my bacon many times because of it being so mobile I am able to take it downstairs with me for inventory purposes as well as upstairs in the office where the books are done. The customers computer is out in the show room and that is not a laptop..its just an old computer that I took advantage of. I wouldn't mind that one being a laptop either. Beaware though of one thing...Laptops are harder to work on ( fix ) and get parts for than a desktop. Outside of that I prefer the laptops over the desktop. It's just a matter of personal preference. As always there is more than one way to do something. Neither way is right and neither way is wrong. If it works for you..go for it!
You went to a lot of trouble there, Dave, and I wouldn't want you to think we're unappreciative.

I'll admit, my first reaction was, "Why would anyone WANT a transparent screen?"

My second was, "I wonder if those dislocated fingers are painful."
Ron, serious reply, it would be a boon to the disability population. Currently when a computer is being used a communication device the person with a disability is not afforded face to face communication. With a transparent screen, or teleprompter, the person with a disability would be looked at, not the computer screen. (Or not as much as is currently the case.)

Presently when someone with a computer based communication device starts up in a conversation the conversation partners start off looking at the person, then slowly walk to the back of the person with the disability and look over his/her shoulder, at the screen. They don't do it to be rude, but I know I'd resent it if my partners literally talked behind my back.

With Dave's screen these communication devices would be an incredible breakthrough. When I saw his pictures my first response was to call my previous employers and contacts at Boston Children's Hospital and celebrate! Then like you said, Ron, those fingers sure looked painful!

I still dream of the head mounted display (MicroComp's goggles, cool but limited to 640 by 480 VGA and 320 by 480 VGA text) but the transparent screen would be a great starting point!
Ron, the fingers aren't dislocated.Due to refraction, sometimes the objects seen behind the screen are a little out of kilter. It's the same kind of thing that you get when you put a straw in a glass of water, and it looks like it's bent.

Bob, did you mean the icons? Just right click on your desktop, then Arrange Icons By and then either Auto Arrange or Align to Grid. Keeps them nice and neat.

And yeah, you do have to be careful. A lot of glare from behind will wash it out a bit.
I've had one for years!

Remember, Mitsubishi came out with it before Dell. :D
Hey! I'll bet you could line up two or three of those - one behind the other - and play some really neat 3-D games!