new atg tape

Tommy P

MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Nov 16, 2003
Mid North Indiana
I'm usually a few light years behind when it comes to discovering new things but...............I've come across a new ATG tape for my 700 gun and just wanted to let everyone else know about it. It's probably old news, but's not 36 yds, it's not 60 yds long it's 120 yds long!!! I love it!! Cause when I finally get that #*!?/# thing working I don't want to have to change the tape any more often than necesssary!!! Is any body else using this stuff?? It's a very aggresive tape!

Would you like to tell us what brand this new tape is??

120 yds. would be a handy length to work with in an ATG gun as long as the trailer doesn't bunch up about 2/3 through the roll and cause a bird's nest inside the gun.

I thought you would never ask! I am on my fourth roll and it seems to work fine. Fits my 700 fine. The carrying material is a very thin plastic instead of the brown paper like stuff on other ATG's. This, I was told, is the secret to 120 yards. I was sceptical but it works. Like the energizer bunny it "goes on and on and on".

The place is familiar to many......Specialty Tapes out of Franksville, WI....
800 545 8273 ask for Dolly Wood ( that's her real name!) I think it was about 6.75 a roll...less for quanities.


[ 07-15-2004, 04:59 PM: Message edited by: Lance E ]
Thanks, frameboy.

Your link doesn't work with those 2 periods at the end.

Here is a link that will work.

Do a search for "ATG tape" or you will have some trouble finding it.

Thanks Framerguy, I knew I messed it up someway!

They don't make it real easy to find do they? But you can call them. They sent me a whole list of tapes and prices. Good luck!
