Netscape 6.1

  • Thread starter Thread starter RonEggers
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I've just downloaded and installed the newest version of the Netscape browser and I'm very impressed. This from a long-time MS Internet Explorer user! It seems to coexist very well with MS IE versions 5 or 6, so you can have both installed, though one needs to be set up as the default browser. I particularly like it as a portal. The search features are very good and many MS IE features that are add-ons are built in to Netscape. It appears the browser wars are far from over. Netscape is a free download at, but it takes a while if you're using dial-up like I am.
How does the new netscape handle downloads?

Old netscape automatically opened up files and started the download. Not good with a virus.

Jerry, When you download something, a window pops up for you to specify the download folder. Opening the file on download completion appears not to be an option.
Ron and Jerry,
You two are talking over my head. I wish I understood what you are talking about. I will be asking you about this Netscape business, next time we "chat". Or, you could post an explanation here for the Grumblers who waited for me to ask the dumb question.


Netscape and Microsoft Internet Explorer are browsers - not the only two but the best known. Once you've logged on to the internet, with your dial-up service, cable modem or whatever you use, the browser is the software you use to access the different web sites. In some cases, the browser also helps you read your email and perform other online tasks. Without your browser, you could be online, but not able to do anything useful (like read The Grumble.)

One of the reasons that Microsoft has been in trouble with the Justice Department is that it bundles their browser with the Windows operating system, thereby gaining a near monopoly in the "browser wars" competition. Indeed, each succesive version of Windows is more closely integrated with Internet Explorer so that the distinction between on-line and off-line activities is getting quite blurred.

My motivation behind downloading and installing Netscape as a second browser was very simple. I had installed the newest version of MS Internet Explorer (version 6.0) and my online banking would not yet recognize it for security reasons. "Downgrading" back to version 5.5 is not impossible, but very tedious so I installed Netscape 6.1, which my banking site will work with.

When I'm online, I can use either browser, or both. Eventually my online banking will become compatible with the new MS browser and then I can decide if I want to keep Netscape for its other features, which are considerable.

The reason most of never think about our web browser is that, when we buy a computer with Windows preinstalled, the MS browser is already there - nothing else to install - and most of us use it by default.

Is that sufficiently ambiguous?

(Jerry, feel free to fill in the considerable blanks.)

Thanks, Ron,
Good explanation! I actually understand you. Now, if anyone else still has questions, we will have to wait until we hear from Jerry to translate...


Ron explained it very well (Gosh I hate to admit that) There are several "Browsers" out there. Netscape and MS Internet Explorer are the two most widely used but not necessarily the best. Opera 5 is another being discussed on another thread in this area. The "Browser" is the program that interprets the HTML code (Language Hyper text markup language) and directs where you go on the WW web. It takes instructions from sites you visit in order to reproduce it on your monitor. AOL has it's own Browser and Email system built into it and is different from netscape and IE5+.

I use ME IE because it is pretty simple to use and I like Outlook Express for mail, again there are several out their for mail too. Hotmail accounts and Yahoo accounts are Web Based mail that does not use a progrma on your computer to download email but keeps it on the web server.

Netscape and IE are free programs, (you can download them from the website) others are not. Netscape wants you to pay for it if you like it but doesn't press it. (mainly because of MS). I tend to stay away from new versions of software until the've been out for awhile, for the same reason Ron has had with IE 6.0. I've had several persons that had me switch their systems back to Win 98 from ME because many drivers for hardware wouldn't work with ME. It will get straightend out and vendors will catch up, that's why I wait.

For those of us with Too Much Time On Our Hands, Ron, (i.e. pictures of our feet). downloading brand new versions and new programs gives us something to do. Reminds me of a bunch I retired guys that spend all day at their computers messing around then once or twice a year yell JERRY! this won't work right anymore what do I do? (Under my breath I say stop (expletive deleted) with the system.

Love and Kisses to all, hope this answers questions, if not ask more or yell at me, I'm married and used to it.

Now my online banking works with MS IE v6.0. Somebody was busy over the weekend!

I'll continue to explore Netscape anyway.