Need Photo Shop Assistance!


WOW Framer
Jul 24, 2001
Buffalo, New York, USA/Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada
I am driving myself crazy - I need help, por favor!

I have Photo Shop 7 and I am attempting to redo my Art Horse logo drawing from last year, which was a line drawing inside a square. I am attempting to put a newer cleaner version of the same drawing (beginning in black and white) into a durned circle - I have tried using the elipse tool to draw a circle - fine, that I can do - but it disappears my drawing -

I must admit I am thoroughly baffled by the concept of layers - and I even have a book right in front of me which is about as enigmatic as can be! There is not a single word in this book about making a circle with art inside.

I am in no mood to re-do this drawing - it took months of laborious pixel by pixel work to get it where it is right now.

I just want it to be inside a circle instead of inside a square. Is that so impossible? This is going to be on our tickets, letterhead, website, T-shirts, etc.

I need help!!!

Can anyone please walk me through what I am missing here???
Ignore my reply; I mis-interpreted (I think) what you want to do.

If you are trying to draw a circle, use the ellipse or whatever, then while that marquee is active, go to "edit" menu, and use the stroke option for line width/color; use fill option set to "none" so you don't get a solid covering.

Layering is simple (and a lifesaver if you need to fix something). Just do window/layers to open the layers palette, click the little menu icon to display option, "make new layer". Imagine then that you are doing your thing on a sheet of mylar over your original art, so the entire sheet can be shifted into different positions, removed, etc.
Hi Framar,

If you do not want to use layers. Use the Elliptical Marquee tool to draw your circle. If you hold down the shift key you will get a true circle rather than an ellipse, and at any time before releasing the mouse button, you can press the space bar while moving the mouse to reposition the circle. (needs a bit of dexterity, but you'll soon get the hang of it) Don't worry about getting it right first time, you can have as many goes as you like until you get it right.

Having made the circle that you require, inverse the selection Select-Inverse (from the menu).
Press the Delete key which removes everything outside the circle.
Select-Inverse again to re-select the circle.
Edit-Stroke (from the menu), then in the Stroke dialog box, select the color and width of line that you would like to draw around the circle.

Don't be afraid to experiment. If things go wrong you can back up using the History palette

Good luck
I went to the drop down menu under Select but Inverse was greyed out. So I couldn't select it.

Other than that my logo is finished - except for the unwanted box, that is! My brain will never grow old - the neurons are forging new pathways as I type!

Yippee!!! I did it!!! I just made a new circle around the outside of the old circle and then did the selection/inversion thingy and it worked!!!!!

Happy happy joy joy!!!
As to working in layers, just think of a stack of glass. You put things on each lite and when you look through you see one image.