Need LaMarche #1265-4068

Greg Gomon

CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
May 15, 2000
Santa Cruz, California, USA
Looking to complete a customer's order to match prior order.
We need LaMarche # 1265-4068 Plum colored Bamboo for an 8x10.
Any help finding this is greatly appreciated. LaMarche is out of stock with NO anticipated delivery date.
Thanks for your help.
The Frame Studio
Capitola, California
Hi Greg,
Sorry I can't help with this one.
Last month I posted that I was going to give La Marche another chance. I had removed all of their samples around 18 months ago. I guess I'm a glutton for punishment but I really hope they can get better.
Anyway, I have a few of their samples (less than 12 now). I check their stock and if they indicate out of stock, the sample comes down, forever. I'm not sure how many will be left by the end of the year? Has anyone else had success lately?

Sorry for tacking this distraction to your thread, but I would like to know if there is any positive feedback?
By the way, many of you had been at the show in Atlanta, yet I don't recall reading what did you notice and learn there about LaMarche? Isn't that a bit strange?
I'm trying to match an order from 2 years ago. FYI, I removed ALL LaMarche samples October 2004 when it was apparent we were going to be seeing a lot of Our-Of-Stock items with the runup to Christmas. I vowed Never-Again would we be put in the position of hearing LaMarche tell us something would be in next month (for 9 months straight.)