You may be terminallyinsane, but you're thinking in the right direction here. Framing software is among the best investments you could possibly make. No matter what price you pay for it, the right framing software will pay you back many times over. When I bought it in 1994, my payback period was about three months -- including time lost in a steep learning curve.
IMHO, the Number One benefit of software is frequent, automatic updating of items and prices. That feature alone saves me at least twenty hours a year, which would otherwise have to be spent manually updating my price lists and items selections. At my shop rate of $60/hr, that savings is more than twice the price of the annual subscription for updates and program maintenance.
Free advice (I know what my advice is worth):
Don't choose framing software on price. Take your time, research all of the programs and the companies that produce them, and make an *informed* decision based on the needs of your business.
Meanwhile, your experience of using Marc's suggested pencil and paper will serve you well when it's time for you to load your new software with items and prices.