need inexpensive framing software


Grumbler in Training
Apr 30, 2002
I need a very inexpensive software program as I am opening a new store,and have very little money backing me up. Don't want to spend too much and the business not work out. Any ideas, just need it for pricing and inv. Are there any "homemade versions"?
Seriously. You need to define your "inexpensive."

You also need to state how bad of a program, or what limitations you are willing to put up with, as well as what you wish it to include.

It's like a customer coming in and saying, I need a chaep frame. Cheap to her could be 400.00 per frame.

Or say may say cheap, but not be willing to settle for ap-cray, and decided she needs to spend bucks to get some version of quality.

Give us more of what you are looking for. We understand your price constraints. But elaborate please?
Be realistic. Purchase what you can afford now and forego the rest until you can. Sounds like you are opening on a shoestring. Please take the time to formulate a realistic business plan based on facts not emotions.
Best with the new store,
You may be terminallyinsane, but you're thinking in the right direction here. Framing software is among the best investments you could possibly make. No matter what price you pay for it, the right framing software will pay you back many times over. When I bought it in 1994, my payback period was about three months -- including time lost in a steep learning curve.

IMHO, the Number One benefit of software is frequent, automatic updating of items and prices. That feature alone saves me at least twenty hours a year, which would otherwise have to be spent manually updating my price lists and items selections. At my shop rate of $60/hr, that savings is more than twice the price of the annual subscription for updates and program maintenance.

Free advice (I know what my advice is worth):
Don't choose framing software on price. Take your time, research all of the programs and the companies that produce them, and make an *informed* decision based on the needs of your business.

Meanwhile, your experience of using Marc's suggested pencil and paper will serve you well when it's time for you to load your new software with items and prices.
Jim offers great advice, and I would like to add one feature more.After you look at all the programs to see which fits most of you needs (none of them will fit ALL of your needs-I know we have looked), make the final decision based on service. And I don't mean the happy-faced-I'll-tell-you-what-you-want-to-hear-to-sell-you attitude. Do your research, search the archives, look for people that are ecstatic over the service.

You will have problems, you will need help-count on it. So make sure the people that you select truly treat service as a part of what they do, not what they charge for as a revenue stream.

That frustration ain't worth all the money in the Jim Miller's bank account (and we're talking HUGE).Some of the new vendors seem to much better at giving genuine service than others.
Originally posted by JP Frame:
I'm curious as to what the experienced shops like? What is the prefered software of choice? Anyone care to share?
Unfortunatly the word "inexpensive" used in the header will make experienced people hesitive in responding.
Custom framing is far too overpriced also isn't it? Surely there are no benefits in paying for better products???
I have voiced my preference here and on other forums many times for software for the art gallery/frame shop. FrameReady from Soft Touch Solutions is my choice for a complete package that fits my needs and is priced lower than many of the other software packages available.

At $975.00, it is one of the few full featured software packages on the market today under $1000.00. I have used my software since version 3.0 (current package is v.4.2) and I still find new things that I didn't realize the software did.

Maintenance fee is $150.00 per year and includes all mat and moulding updates from 155 current vendors and I have found that the updates are online for download within 48 hours of Soft Touch receiving the information. If you use a vendor that they don't carry updates for, simply tell them and they will request online updates from that vendor. When I started using FrameReady they had less than 100 vendors so, in 3 years, they have increased their offering by over 30%.

Support is excellant through their online forum and also by telephone and e-mail. For an additional fee, they will transfer your entire customer database from any program you are using now to FrameReady, scan and incorporate your business logo into the program which will print out on all your documents, and even provide random number bar codes if needed.

You can visit their website here

Since I understand the Grumble's search area is "off-line" -- you might try going to the Computers & Techie section and ask to see a couple months worth of threads you just might be able to locate some of the more recent chat about pricing/POS programs.

IMHO Frameready is the Grumbler favorite; Specialty Soft is a winner for many & just plain better for some, a lot use FullCalc and Lifesaver and most love what they have. I can't remember all the names, but there are a few more that we talk about favorably including Ferensoft & Artisan. Everyone knows I'm the grumbler who uses Artisan (by Certek) and am generally very pleased with it.

Any critiques on other one's we don't talk about much or are new?