need help with 'new' chopper /frame scale


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Mar 25, 2004
Tampa, FL
got a 'new' F-morso....doesnt have r-hand frame scale but does have the factory supplied pathetic excuse for measuring. Called Tech-Mark & was told any frame scale would do, so I decided to put a phedra scale on it...cut one to fit the r-hand side...saw-cut trial pieces 10", 20" 30" 40".......put the scale down to match the 10" mark, BUT the 20" piece is at the 20 5/8" mark, the 30" piece is at the 30 7/8 mark, and the 40" piece is at the 41 1/8 mark.

I'm stumped....the chopper blade is oriented "V" and the scale marks are oriented "\" which, I wouldnt think matters as much as the scale being marked correctly in 1" increments(& it is, but the bad measures arent even consistantly off) what gives?????? what am I missing???

ANY input will be much appreciated!
Wouldn't you want your scale marks oriented "/" , parallel to the "business side" of the "V"? Single mitre saws cut with the moulding facing you, but choppers cut with the moulding facing away from you.
:cool: Rick
I cant see why the way the lines face should matter as long as the graduations are evenly spaced and the scale is started "x" inches from the blade....all things should then be equal distant from the start point...these measures dont seem to be consistant down the scale.
perhaps this is the root of the problem, but then this would center on the fact that the vendor rep didnt know what she was talking about(not the 1st time in THAT barrel I'll warrent!!!) when advising that 'any' measure scale would work...actually she WAS correct---any scale WILL work, they just will NOT, perhaps, work c o r r e c t l y, yes???
If the scale marks are opposite the cutting plane (as it seems from your description and as I would expect if you're using a saw scale on a chopper) it will only work for outside measurements, BUT it SHOULD be consistent...

Sounds like maybe the fence is not aligned properly - the far right end needs to be moved in (away from you towards the back). Then again, it's a lot more than I would think could be adjusted for. I've seen it off by maybe an 1/8", not 1-1/8".
I'm stumped....the chopper blade is oriented "V" and the scale marks are oriented "\" which, I wouldnt think matters as much as the scale being marked correctly in 1" increments(& it is, but the bad measures arent even consistantly off) what gives?????? what am I missing???

ANY input will be much appreciated! [/QB]
The Phaedra scales are made to measure with the rabbet facing you, while on the morso the rabbet faces away from you. Your error will vary according to the width of the moulding. The errors you are currently getting are an artifact of the width of moulding when you set your scale.

Given \/ with \ being the markings on the phaedra and / being what the morso needs, for a given width of moulding the error is the amount of whitespace between the lines eg for a moulding width --- the error is ---\/ the distance between the lines at ---. If this was the width you used to set up the scale, then for narrower mouldings your mouldings will likely be too long and for wider moulding they will be too short.

What it boils down to is that your scale marks need to be parallel to the cut line. Your best bet given what you already have at hand is to mount the scale backwards so that the scale lines are oriented properly. Your numbering will be backwards so you can either number the major divisions with a marker or attach a self stick rule to the top end of the scale. Just remember to ignore the markings on the scale...
Bob- that's what I was trying to convey. Thanks for the detailed explanation. I wonder whether Tech-Mark might have replacement measuring scales for the Morso. It would seem a better way to go than trying to jury-rig something not designed for this kind of use.
:cool: Rick