Need help with a Wizard problem


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Aug 31, 2000
Rochester, MN
Fortunately, the thing is too big and heavy to pick up and fling across the room.

the problem: the Wizard hooks the third and fourth corners on reverse bevel cut mats. The first two corners come out fine. The problem only occurs on the reverse bevel setting. The hooks are equally bad on both regular and suede mats.

attempted soultions that haven't helped:
new blade
new slip sheet
adjust blade plunge speed
adjust blade depth
change rotational adjustment
smack cutting head with magic wand

I'm willing to try anything that you might suggest (with the possible exception of certain drought-ending rituals)

Thanks in advance for any and all advice.


Have you tried the Wizard help desk? It sounds like you need to work on the configurations, which Wizard has always been willing to help me adjust.

Whispering Woods Gallery
Holland Pa
AT my part-time, we get mats pre-cut, for the most part, on the Wizards at the Depot. We are told to never, under any circumstances, to order a reverse bevel, as they will not cut them without massive overcuts.
I had a Wizard for years, it cuts a perfect reverse bevels every time. I agree with calling the help desk. Also, make sure all your backing mats are flat on the machine or cutting surface. Make sure the mat your cutting stays flat on the cutting surface. We used ATG for the 40"X 60" board that sits aginst the aluminum cutting board to make sure it stayed flat. We also would put pieces of masking tape at the far edge of the mat we were cutting to make sure it stayed flat and did not move.

I had hardly walked in the door of the shop this morning when I got a call from Wizard asking about the problem and offering some suggestions to try to get those corners straightened out.

WOW! Those people are great!

Thanks, Carl.
