Need Help w/ Finicky Fillet : X0466


Grumbler in Training
Jul 18, 2002
W.Bridgewater , Massachusetts
Does anyone have any helpful hints in dealing with the gold wood fillet, X0466 ?

This beast has an unfortunate tendency to chip while being chopped and assembled. Chopping slowly helps, and using a disc sander instead of chopper looks promising, any other hints?

Any help is most appreciated, as this is a multiple piece, high-end order.
Like you mentioned, a disc sander works great. Use mini chopper to size down to about 1/8" large and then sand to size. This method works great for the LJ Le Cirque and various watergilded liners also.

I've had extensive experience with X0466. There are two things that can affect success when working with it. First, your chopper must have sharp blades. Second, I believe that Larson has experienced quality control problems with this and other fillets. I used X0466 for years before experiencing any chipping problems. Larson is usually very good at replacing product with quality problems. I would check on my blades first, then call Larson for help if that doesn't work.

Pat :D
Since I bought my fillet chopper I have had little trouble cutting fillets to size or having any chipping or finish problems.

What kind of saw are you using for your chopping? I use a Phaedra system and it has a tendency to chip on the back lower corner of the moulding or fillet when the blades need sharpening. Slow cutting should help some but it sounds like the problem may be in the finish of the fillet.

Sometimes laying down some framer's tape over the area to be cut will help minimize chipping. Just be careful when pulling off the tape. If you remove the tape too fast, you could pop off the finish because of the "bite" of the adhesive not letting go fast enough. Slow removal of the tape should stop any of that from happening.

Good luck.


I had this same problem and a post titled "Fillet problem created designers remorse! Customer Loves it!" (I don't know how to direct to another thread!) examines some responses regarding this fillet - which I have since taken off my wall!!

Good luck!

This isn't going to help with the problems you are having now but my solution to dealing with this fillet was the same as Roz's.

I took it off the wall and put it in the dumpster.

It's a shame because it was a pretty litle thing but engendered too many headaches.


PS Captain English would like to point out that "To boldly frame" is a split infinative but realizes that this probably doesn't bother anyone else (except maybe MerpsMom).
That fillet will never ever see the light of day or cross any threshold of any shop where I ever happen to have any say so whatsoever.

Bad, bad fillet. Sorry LJ. There is not one other item of yours I have a dislike for.

There, I feel better, somebody had to say it!

Good luck!
There's an echo in here: bad fillet, very bad fillet. It's in our trash as well.

Kit, you're prophetic. I had a call from Merp today asking me for the word which describes arranging letters into a word in order to help you remember something. I pronounced it, but couldn't spell it. Love it when the brain grabs something from mothballs, even grabbing only half.
(Forgot to add that I was going to e-mail you but she came up with the spelling first.)

Didn't "they" look into allowing split infinitives, just as they investigated and now approve of ending a sentence with a preposition? I'm still reeling from that one.

Kathy, we also have 12" of snowfall since this morning. After working all day, I'm about to head out to the grocery store: you may never hear from me again.

[ 02-05-2004, 04:59 PM: Message edited by: MerpsMom ]
I do a lot of fillets in my shop and every once in awhile I find one that does just what you are talking about. One thing that works "sometimes" is to put some masking tape over the area before you chop. It keeps the blade from breaking the finish. When you pull the tape off be careful to pull toward the mitered end. Sometimes that doesn't even work, but it's worth a try.
I've had some trouble recently with a the LJ fillet 150cg. Anyone else? My blade isn't the sharpest it could be, but I cut some old stock of 150cg today and didn't have any trouble. I'm thinking they might have changed the finish.

When fillets chip I touch them up with acrylic paint.

Rad, is your fillet stock new? You would think Larson would have corrected the problem by now. I looked in the archives and had questioned X0466 way back in 8/01.

[ 02-05-2004, 09:44 PM: Message edited by: Jana ]
Cathie, is 'mnemonic' the word you are refering to?

It's a device to quickly help you remember things.
