Need a Thumbnail router - anyone know of one for sale?


Grumbler in Training
Nov 23, 2005
Denver, Colorado
We're a new moulding company in Denver, looking for a thumbnail router. Please email or reply if you know of one for sale. Thanks!

Gregg Davis, Duncan-Matthews Moulding
direct 303-547-7565
toll-free 866-790-7950
Hey man welcome to the Grumble and good luck finding the thumbnailer.

Checked your website, and I have a thumbs up for you. As a group we don't like seeing discontinued mouldings, and on your on-line catalog page it features one! (B3415) At least get the under constuction sign on your website down before you start posting DC-ed and OOS mouldings! We welcome new suppliers but can be ruthless when the product doesn't come! (do a search for LM!)

Good luck and look forward to your upcoming product line and website.
Hey, I deal with Duncan Matthews! They have brought some great stuff to Denver, plus they have added a selection of Studio Moulding. Hi Gregg! I'm happy to see the discontinued items labeled as so.....except you missed M8113, I might have gotten the last bits of that one. Why oh why are you discontinuing b3471 and 72? I like those a lot.........Website looks beautiful by the way.

Duncan Matthews is a great company and we have high hopes for them here in Denver. I encourage everybody to check them out.

Doesn't have a danged thing to do with finding you a thumbnailer, just wanted to say Welcome!

I happen to have a thumbnailer with a burned out motor that I have no use for but I bet you need something fairly industrial of which this one is not.

Good luck!
As soon as I saw the Denver address I wondered if Kathy knew them! If she vouches for you then its good enough for me! Not that my opinion matters that much, just one big mouth in a crowd.....

Like I said, Welcome to the Grumble and Good Luck!