Need A Print...


PFG, Picture Framing God
In Memorium
Rest In Peace

Gone but not forgotten
Apr 9, 2001
Clayton, NC
There's a print of a little boy, in the snow. He's walking by the pasture fence, pulling a sled, if I remember correctly, and his little dog, a Sheltie, is following him.

I want this, but can't remember the artists name. Can anyone help?
Robert Duncan.

He paints in a photo-realistic style that is popular around here and his paintings are populated with wholesome-looking women and children (no men, that I can recall), shelties, Bernese Mountain Dogs, sheep and other assorted barnyard animals.

I have about 30 Duncan prints attractively displayed in print bins in my basement (where nobody is allowed to go) but, alas, that one isn't one of them. Some thoughtless schmuck bought it before I hid them.

If you need more details, I'm sure I have records.
On further reflection, I believe there may be a few Duncan prints of people fishing in the old farm pond. There must be some men in those prints 'cause everyone knows that women don't have the patience to fish.

I personally like Duncan's work, which probably explains why I have some many of them that are pretty-much impossible for anyone to buy.

I'm all girl as far as I can tell, and I love to fish! I'll even fish long after it is clear that the only thing biting are mosquitos. Now, given the size of the mosquitos in Texas, I'd say that proves I'm a dedicated angler!!

(Sorry, Charles, I got sidetracked! I have no idea where to find a copy of that print....beware frankenthread!)

Same here Leslie. During spring summer and fall my dad had the family out every afternoon (many times after school) fishing or hunting. Fishing was the hands down favorite. I still love it.
Thanks, Ron. I believe you're exactly right! I'll get right on that.

Women that fish! Ya gotta love those Texas women!
Robert Duncan publishes himself now. I'll look in the last information we received and get you an address and tele #.