Hi BCFramer
I have a 500 in my back store room under boxes of moulding which I would consider selling as is, if I got the right offer, the offer would have to be way above the $200 that the other ”framer” had offered his 500 for, at $200 I would not consider it worth my while to dig the press out, transport it to a packing company, arrange shipping and all the related hassle that goes with selling second-hand equipment, it’s to bad you did not tell the other “framer” that you would actually buy his press, after all you only indicated to him you might buy, you made no firm commitment and at $200 a $2000 piece of kit was not going to hang around for very long, the reality is that you let the ball drop, the other “framer” is not a mind reader. The $200 he wanted for the press was only to offset his direct expenses and his only motivation in selling the press was to help someone get started in business.
I spent two day’s with the other “framer” in Birmingham England at a trade fair, not only is he admired for his standards in the US he also has a very considerable international following, this I witnessed by the amount of people from all over the world who stopped by to say hello to him and ask his advice on many areas and aspects of framing.
I wish you every good fortune with your new business and I can understand the stress you are under as I to started my business on a very limited budget and had to go the route of second-hand equipment and with second-hand framing equipment you need to take the ball on the hop, for example I bought my Morso Chopper sight unseen it was take it or leave it, in fact I did not even know what one looked like (I has no internet in those days) but I took the advice that I got, that was a framing shop needs a Morso and that with most basic framing equipment is safe to buy second-hand as it is very robustly built.
If I were you I would try and get to know this other “framer” I think when you realise who he is that he could become a very great asset to your business, he is very knowledgeable of the business and is very willing to share his knowledge to all, it’s just a case of asking him and he will share what he knows.
Once again good luck with the business.