Nailing substrate & filler

Sherry Lee

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 25, 2002
Phoenix, Az.
When you fill a deep moulding with the basic frame package & realize you need to add one or two pieces of filler, what is the best procedure:

1)Put everything into the frame and then insert the framer's points......or

2)Put the glass, mats, art and substrate in place followed with framer's points, then add needed filler followed with more framer's points?
I ditto that. If you put everything in first there is too much "cushion" and the opportunity for shifting, etc. is compounded. Also, if you do need to take things apart to remove any shred of whatever-always-seems-to-get-on-the-mat-surface it's much easier.

Dave Makielski
Thank you Val & Dave...

I have always used procedure #2 for the 'insurance factor', but thought it might be overkill thus wondered what others do.