/n GO AWAY!!!

Lance E

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Forum Donor
Oct 31, 1999
Hamilton, New Zealand
I am having some trouble with exporting the csv file from the website, a nice "/n" shows up in any spaces where there is a double space and also in other "undefinable" spots. When I import the list back onto the site we get "n" in the middle of the text. Apparently the "/n" is supposed to happen as it provides some form of information to some systems and Excell can remove it... any ideas on how?
I have no idea what you're talking about, but if you want to remove "/n" from a series of cells in Excel, you should be able to Search and Replace. Leave the Replace entry completely blank and it will just remove the search parameter.
Thanks David, I hadn't thought of that!
Just tried it though and it gives me the error message "Formula is too long".
It sound like this "/n" part of a formula, or what tries to be a formula in Excel. Can you search and replace the first number (say "6") with a quote and the number (say "'6"). I don't use Excel, but assume that it uses the same basic theories as Quattro Pro.

If none of this helps, give me an example of what the entire cell content is and I'll see what I can do.
The / is a division symbol in a formula and I'm going to assume that the "n" is for numerator (sic). If you highlight that cell and go to the check mark in your toolbar it will show you the complete formula (if one is there). If it is not a formula, check your CSV file. When you do a straight open in Excel vs. an import there will be a box that pops up that will ask you various questions regarding the format of the CSV sheet. Keep in mind you can check numerous separators and that you could put the /n in the "other" box. This will separate the /n in it's own column (if not a formula) then you can delete the column, merge the two adjacent cells and voila, one headache gone. If it is a formula, try to get rid of the "=" sign, then you will get a funky message in the cell. Once you have this accomplished you should be able to delete the formula using the find replace feature, substituting another character. Once this character is in place do another find replace with the character in the find box. Tab to replace and don't put anything in the box. Click on replace all and it should elimnate the character. (Oh...keep in mind CSV is a comma delimited file so don't use a comma as your other character.)
I have just tried opening it into Word and doing the Find and Replace thing there, it seems to have worked however there are a few stray n's floating around still...
Thanks for your suggestions they are much appreciated.
I'm not sure if this related, but the "/n" has meaning to programs (such as Excel, Word and most other text related programs); It signals a new line in the data stream. How are you acquiring this data? If you are copying it from a web page or other text document you might be getting a new line character imbedded in the data.

just a thought.